By Kendria Brown, NDG Intern
While shopping for low prices, there was a meth-lab capable of combustion inside of a woman’s purse. At a Walmart in St. Louis, Missouri is where customers were met with the fear of an unlucky fate involving methamphetamines cooking inside of a woman’s purse.
To assist with cooking the meth, the woman had a soda bottle which provided a good environment for the meth, although bad for the lady herself and the public at large. Upon discovery of this meth lab, also known as a “shake-and-bake” lab, the store called for an immediate evacuation of occupants and a search on the premises thereof.
Officers on site spoke of the dire consequences that the threat posed, including flammability and contamination therein.
As if carrying and processing meth around in your purse isn’t enough, it seems that the woman was asking to be caught when the woman decided to go shoplifting inside the Walmart store. She must have had a nice sized purse that was large and multi-pocketed. Carrying around a meth-lab and having even more room for storage to committing additional criminal acts. Times have definitely changed.
Upon detection of her shoplifting is when authorities discovered the combustible setting in the woman’s purse, consisting of the meth lab. The 32-year-old woman was arrested and there were no reports of injuries. The store was reopened after a few hours, but not before causing a scare to those surrounding the area.
Check out the news break here: