People in the News

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

People in the News

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Passing of CCTOF’s Dr. Jerome McNeil, the legendary Dallas pastor, shocks many

Shockwaves of grief swept through the 6,000 plus member congregation of Christian Chapel Temple of Faith CME Church (CCTOF) as news spread of the sudden death Sunday, July 15 of their longtime Pastor Rev. Dr. Jerome E. McNeil, Jr., who was 63 years old, had just completed his sermon at the 10:45 a.m. worship service and was greeting several church members seated in the back of the sanctuary when he fell ill.

Once word of his passing was shared on our website, readers shared comments like those of Paula:

“Each and every Sunday that I walked through the doors at Christian Chapel, I knew that I would leave with a positive message.

Thank you!!! Pastor McNeil. You will be missed.”

In full time ministry for 34 years, McNeil served as the Pastor of CCTOF for 21 years. Under his leadership, over 80 ministries were established and it was one of the largest churches in the Christian Methodist Episcopal (CME) denomination.

Those who worked closely with McNeil in ministry fondly recalled how he often shared words of inspiration.  “I’m often reminded of something McNeil said to me,  ‘God’s Will will never take us anywhere that his grace will not keep us,’” states Rev. Norris Curry, CCTOF Associate Pastor and a longtime close friend of McNeil’s.

He was known nationally as an evangelist, pastor, teacher, and preacher and had recently been inducted into the inaugural edition of the Who’s Who in Black Dallas.   According to Dr. Dan Fitten, Pastor of St. Matthews CME Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, McNeil’s many honors and awards never changed his focus on preaching the uncompromising gospel of Jesus Christ and being a mentor to others.   “Dr. McNeil was my prayer partner, confidant, brother and closest friend for over 22 years.   Above all, he was my personal pastor and presence that will be hard to replace,” reflects Fitten.

Rev. William Spearman, one of many dozens of McNeil’s sons in the ministry adds, “Dr. McNeil epitomized the passion, purpose and power of who and what God’s man should be.”

Dr. McNeil was a nationally recognized evangelist, counselor, teacher, workshop facilitator, speaker and author, who emphasized a biblical response to the current issues facing modern families and communities through his teaching and preaching ministries.   Also a community activist, Dr. McNeil was one of the founding members of Dallas’ African American Pastors Coalition and Denominational Prayer Coordinator for the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church.   His passion was prayer and equipping others for ministry.

Being a man of integrity is what CCTOF Senior Associate Pastor Rev. Vanessa Ingram says she will remember McNeil for.   “He modeled integrity in everything he did.   He walked worthy of his calling.”

Longtime CCTOF member Arlicia Wince-Rickman echoed Ingram’s sentiments. “Pastor Jerome E. McNeil, Jr. was an Incredible Servant of God.” From the onset of my arrival at CCTOF, he navigated my Christian walk with his strong belief in Prayer.  He is/was my Spiritual Leader, Preacher, Teacher and Friend who had an amazing gift to take any subject matter relate it to scripture and  make it relevant!  I am forever grateful for his teachings and the legacy he has etched in my heart forever.   I love him and miss him dearly!”

His death is deeply mourned by his wife of 39 years, Billye, two daughters, Charla and Vanita (Michael) and two granddaughters, Kyra and Melodee, extended family, friends, church family, ministerial colleagues, along with  countless sons and daughters in the ministry.

The Celebration of Life Services for McNeil are listed below:

Wednesday, July 18 at 7 p.m.                         Reflection and Prayer

Thursday, July 19 at 7 p.m.                               Praise Celebration Featuring CCTOF Music Ministry

Friday, July 20 at 3 p.m. – close                     Public Viewing *

Saturday, July 21

9  a.m. – 10:30 a.m.                             Public Viewing

11 a.m.                                                         Celebration of Life

*Black and Clark Funeral Home, 2517 East Illinois Avenue in  Dallas, TX 75216

All events take place at Christian Chapel Temple of Faith CME Church, 14120 Noel in Dallas, unless otherwise noted.


  1. I miss my pastor dearly. He will never be replaced. His style of teaching is what really kept our church in its continually growing state. When I tell you a 17 yr old could be sitting next to a 71 yr old, and they both could understand and receive the word TOGETHER…that’s what he did. Never once, in the 21 years I was around him and his family, have I heard anyone have something negative to say about him. Words cannot fully do justice when it comes to Pastor McNeil.

    When he baptized my daughter, he poured some of his spirit into her. As we were just about to walk off, he looked me in my eyes and said ‘You know you have something special right there, don’t you?’ He saw there is more to her than what meets our natural eye.

    Even though I feel like we did not get enough time with him, I am so grateful and thankful that I did have him in our lives. We can’t tell God that His plan was wrong, but it sure hurts that it came to fruition so soon. I love the McNeil family. We all just have to be ready to support one another. This is not the end, because God said so. Now, Daddy J is able to be reunited with his parents. HALLELUJAH!

  2. I will truly miss Pastor McNeil, I said on the last Sunday in June 2012, I was visiting and his message was so powerful for me that I told my mom I am going to have to drive back and forth to Dallas every Sunday, because all of his messages have a specific message for me.

    Pastor McNeil always delivered a message from Almighty himself, that I could always count on getting a message that helped me in my everyday life. I was blessed to have known him for two years while living in the Dallas area coming from Little Rock, AR. my pastor Rev Richard Stokes from Miles Memorial CME said I was under a great pastor!!!! God Bless the McNeil and Christian Chapel Temple of Faith CME Family. Pastor McNeil was a true blessing to me!!

  3. My cousin Pastor Jerome McNeil, will and already is greatly missed. What an awesome way to move from earth to heaven, doing exactly what is right with God and what Pastor Jerome McNeil loved doing. God is so pleased him and I know he welcomed him home with open arms. We are celebrating the life he had on earth and shouting HALLELUJAH! that he is safe and living an eternal life with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!! He will never be forgotten! To Billye,Charla,Vanita and the grandchildren when all the family and friends have left and gone back home….. Remember Psalms 121:1-2 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. Take shelter in the loving arms of our Savior!! May God comfort all of our hearts and give us peace during this time of bereavement.

  4. Dr. McNeil will undoubtly be missed by so many because of his walk and witness that was without question. We will always remember his smile and tranqulizing stance when he expounded on God’s word. It is our prayer that Billye, his duaghters, and congregation look to God who can only heal this painful hurt.

  5. As with many Dr. McNeil will be greatly missed demontrating his courageous walk and withness for our Lord and Savior. We pray that Billye, his daughters, and congregation look to God who is the only source that can heal pain of this magnitude. It is also our prayer that those who survive this servant, treasure his legacy with humble adoration and gratitude to God who allowed him to serve for the time that he did.

  6. I met Rev. McNeil in Savannah, GA in 1996 at St. Paul’s ‘Holy Spirit Conference’. I also enjoyed reading his advise column in the Christian Index. Rev McNeil was very approachable and there was a ‘Spirit of Peace’ that covered him.

    Rev. McNeil will be missed, but I know he’s up there with my dad and many more of his brothers in Christ.

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