Parking Services will issue criminal citations to those operating without a permit inside and outside the crown area, two streets out. The goal is to discourage individuals who flag people onto vacant lots or the parking lots of closed establishments without permission to use the property. This situation has resuled in some unknowing fairgoers having their cars towed by the property owner. With the help of the CAO, Parking Services has outlined a process to address the issue outside the crown to complement our activity inside the crown.
Parking Services will be visiting every location with a permit. The goal of the visit is to make them aware of what they are authorized to do, educate the onsite supervisor of the do’s and don’ts we will be watching for, and of our three-strike enforcement process. Anyone operating illegally will receive citations immediately. Enforcement of valid permit holders will begin Saturday.
Help make sure your visit is a positive experience.
People going to the fair who decide to park at other outside of the Fairgrounds should look for locations displaying the mandatory placard that is the correct color. This year it’s Orange with Blue writing. Any location not displaying this placard or not displaying a placard at all is not an authorized location. Parking at any of these locations could result in a vehicle being possibly towed.
Know before you go.
Here are the general guidelines special permitted locations must adhere to when operating:
– Offense if charging more than 150 percent of what Fairground parking lots are charging
– Must post sign in a conspicuous place with fee written in at least five-inch letters
– Must not charge more than the permit placard states
– Must have a Fair Park Parking permit in order to park cars for a fee inside crown area
– Supervising attendant must be present when cars are being parked or are still on the lot
– Supervising attendant must be wearing and displaying City issued permit ID. This ID is issued with the permit sign