Friday, July 5, 2024

Marijuana may make Bipolar symptoms worse

"There are limited studies addressing the association of cannabis use and manic symptoms, which suggests this is a relatively neglected clinical issue,” says Steven Marwaha. (Credit: iStockphoto)
“There are limited studies addressing the association of cannabis use and manic symptoms, which suggests this is a relatively neglected clinical issue,” says Steven Marwaha. (Credit: iStockphoto)

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There’s new evidence to suggest a significant relationship between cannabis use and the onset and exacerbation of mania symptoms.

In a paper published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, mental health researchers from Warwick Medical School carried out a review of scientific literature examining the effect of cannabis use. The literature sampled 2,391 individuals who had experienced mania symptoms.

Mania symptoms are part of bipolar disorder and can include feelings of persistent elation, heightened energy and hyperactivity, and a reduced need for sleep. Mania can also make people feel angry and aggressive with extreme symptoms including becoming delusional or hearing voices.

The researchers looked at a number of previous studies and concluded that cannabis use preceded the onset of mania symptoms.

Marwaha says “the tendency for cannabis use to precede or coincide with rather than follow mania symptoms” as well as the link between cannabis and onset of new manic symptoms suggests it’s “a significant link.”

Marwaha also says the review suggested that cannabis use significantly worsened mania symptoms in people who had previously been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

“There are limited studies addressing the association of cannabis use and manic symptoms, which suggests this is a relatively neglected clinical issue,” adds Marwaha. “However our review suggests that cannabis use is a major clinical problem occurring early in the evolving course of bipolar disorder.

“More research is needed to consider specific pathways from cannabis use to mania and how these may be effected by genetic vulnerability and environmental risk factors.”

Source: University of Warwick


  1. I’m an Ex naval nuclear operator. My 1st three weeks into training, three people committed suicide. Technically “experts” label me bipolar. Interesting Thomas Insel director of NIMH throw out the DSM after admitting it reduced suicide by zero. My personal review of the literature says cannabis can trigger both manic & depressive states. Just like light can be a wave or a particle, it all depends on how it is measured. The Endocannabinoid system is responsible for regulating homeostasis. Depending on how you choose to measure this, will determine what you see.


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