Thursday, July 18, 2024

LatinoCLD accuses Trump of continuing to use Latino community as punching bag

Miguel Solis, President of the LatinoCLD, released the following statement in response to President Trump’s executive actions on Jan. 25 related to immigration.

“It’s not surprising that the person who began his campaign demonizing Mexican immigrants is beginning his Presidency by attacking this community. Aside from the physical barrier, the wall sends a hostile message to a critical trading partner and to the Latino community in this country.

Law enforcement entities across the country have opposed proposals targeting sanctuary cities because it will make it more difficult  for them to do their job. Business leaders across the state have opposed similar polices because they will harm economic development. The faith-based community opposes such policies because they hurt families. 

President Trump has made it clear he will continue to use the Latino community as a punching bag to score political points. It is our duty to unite and fight policies that hurt not just our community but our entire state and nation.”


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