People in the News

People in the News

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Shirley Tarpley: Obituary of Common Sense

*******Picture of the Week******* K104 Street Team, (L to R) Kardon, Sister Tarpley, Jaylan and Q taking the picture at the UT Southwestern Health Fair, 04-15-2017

By Sis. Shirley Tarpley, NDG Religion Editor

No one really knows how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He selflessly devoted his life to service in schools, hospitals, homes, factories and offices, helping folks get jobs done without fanfare and foolishness.

For decades, petty rules, silly laws and frivolous lawsuits held no power over Common Sense.

He was credited with cultivating such valued lessons as, “To know when to come in out of the rain, the early bird gets the worm, and life isn’t always fair.”

Common Sense lived by simple and sound financial policies:  Don’t spend more than you earn.  Reliable parenting strategies:

The adults are in charge, not the kids; and it’s okay to come in second (or even last, as long as your best efforts were given.)

A veteran of the Industrial Revolution, the Great Depression and the Technological Revolution, Common Sense survived cultural and educational trends including body piercing, whole language and “new math.”

But his health declined when he became infected with the “If-it-only-helps-one-person-it’s-worth-it” virus.

In recent decades his waning strength proved no match for the ravages of overbearing regulations.  He watched in pain as self-seeking lawyers ruled good people.

His health rapidly deteriorated when schools endlessly implemented zero tolerance policies, reports of six-year-old boys charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate.

A teen was suspended for taking a swig of mouthwash after lunch and a teacher was fired for reprimanding an unruly student.

It declined even further when schools had to get parents consent to administer aspirin to a student but cannot inform the parent when the female student is pregnant or wants an abortion.

Finally, Common Sense lost his will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband, churches became businesses, criminals received better treatment than victims and federal judges stuck their noses in everything from Boy Scouts to professional sports.

And, when a woman who was stupid enough not to realize that coffee is hot, and was awarded a huge payout for her stupidity, this really caused Common Sense to finally throw in the towel!

Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion, his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason.

Two stepbrothers, My Rights and Ima Whiner, survive him.  Not many attended his funeral because so few realized that he was gone.  –Author Unknown

Everyone can make a difference within their own surroundings.  The world would all benefit from following these nine fundamental, “Native American Commandments: 

  1. Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect.
  2. Remain close to the Great Spirit (God).
  3. Show great respect for your fellow beings (all humans, regardless of race color and creed.)
  4. Work together for the benefit of all mankind.
  5. Give assistant and kindness wherever needed.
  6. Do what you know to be right (in God’s eyesight!)
  7. Look after the well-being of mind and body (especially your own.)
  8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.
  9. Be truthful and honest at all times.
  10. Take full responsibility for your actions.