Thursday, July 18, 2024

Voters urged to contact senators to help save Medicare/Medicaid

By Dr. John E. Warren

The United States Senate has delayed their vote until after the July 4th break, but they still are attempting to ram through the passage of an Affordable Health Care Bill. Their goal is to undo the Affordable Care Act which provides protection for millions of Americans.

The Senate bill was crafted with no public hearings, and it will cut Medicare/Medicaid by making one-time (block grant) payments to states. The states will then most likely reduce available healthcare for millions of Americans and older Americans in particular.

Each voter and every person you can reach are urged to call the U.S. Capitol Operator at 202-224-3121. Press one for the U.S. Senate, a voice will ask for your ZIP code to connect you to the office of your U.S. Senator. When they answer the phone, be sure to ask for the name of the person to whom you are speaking, identify your city and state and tell them to record you Objection to the Affordable Care Act slated for an upcoming Senate debate.

The Democrats in the U.S. Senate are opposed to the bill. Stopping the votes in support of this bill by Senate Republicans will kill President Donald Trump’s plans to destroy Obamacare (the existing Affordable Care Act). This will save coverage at least for the 22 million Americans forecasted to lose coverage, as well as benefits for older Americans in particular.

This is not a race issue, this is a human and American issue with thousands of lives at stake.

Make that call.




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