By Sis. Tarpley, NDG Religion Editor
“But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions.” Genesis 15:14
Whenever God brings you through a time of great adversity, you can expect to come out of that experience with great possessions, if you have been faithful through the trial. This is a universal truth. Wisdom comes from obedience, not knowledge.
When we have been tested and proven, the reality of our faith results in possessions from God that we would never receive if we had not gone through those trials.
These are precious in His sight and should be valued greatly. Those who know you will be amazed at the wisdom that comes from your mouth. It is one of those mysteries of the gospel that only those who experience incredible testing and hardship can explain.
God kept the people of Israel enslaved 400 years, but when the time came to free them from the bondage of slavery, they came out with great possessions. These physical possessions symbolize the spiritual possessions we receive when we come out of being enslaved to those things that have hindered us all our lives. These possessions are to be shared with others so that they also can know how they might become free.
What has God freed you from that allows you to share your possessions with others? Share what God has done in your life with someone you work with today and someone you know in your community. It may be the possession they need most in their life.
God, who created mankind in Your image, You made a colorful world of people! As I stop and watch and reflect on the people I see, I notice that everyone is unique. Sometimes I’m frustrated by others’ personalities and actions; other times I am blessed; still other times I am amused.
The fact is, though we were made in Your image, You gave each one of us a will of our own and You instilled different gifts, personalities, and potential within us. How boring it would be if we were all just alike! The “spice” of life is made up of all those different people, with different ideas, and various contributions.
Thank you for caring enough that we are not your puppets, but are unique individuals, each called to fill special places in your great plan for our lives. I pray that you will keep my eyes open, my mind alert, and my will in tune so that I will use all you have given me–gifts, personality, skills, desires–to the best of my ability, for the edification of the saints, reaching the lost, and glorifying you.
Please forgive my past failures and empower me today for all you want to do through me. In the precious name of Jesus, our Savior.