By: Sister Tarpley, NDG Religion Editor
“Now then, tell my servant, David, ‘This is what the Lord Almighty says: I took you from the pasture and from following the flock to be ruler over my people Israel'” 2 Samuel 7:8.
David was nearing the end of his life. The prophet Nathan was responding to David’s idea to build a temple where the Ark of the Covenant would stay. God reminded David through the prophet of his roots and where He had brought him.
God took David from the fields of pasturing sheep to pastoring a nation. God reminded David that He cut off all of David’s enemies for his sake and the sake of his nation. David never lost a battle.
At this time of the year when you have all that you think you need to get what you want for Christmas gifts for your loved ones, it’s important to remember where your source of success comes from.
Have you ever felt tempted to look at your accomplishments with pride as if you were the reason for your success? Have you ever thought your prosperity was due to your ingenuity?
Has your material success been a testimony to others that God is the ruler of all aspects of your life, even the material side?
The greatest temptation some of us will ever face is the pride of ownership. If we think our success is a result of our own effort we affront God and open the door to pride.
“A man’s pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor.” Proverb 29:23.
Success can be a greater test than adversity. Not every man can carry a full cup. Sudden elevation frequently leads to pride and a fall.
The most exacting test of all to survive is prosperity,” said Oswald Chambers. Success can be a breeding ground for complacency with God and pride of ownership.
Do you have a proper understanding of who you are? Do you understand that it is God who has given you the ability to work and achieve?
God is the source of all good things. Ask God today if your life models this belief and His Word.
God’s Word is a river of life. It satisfies and comforts your soul like a stream in the desert. Ask God to help you to be like the tree planted by the water, with roots that dig down into His Word and faith that stands strong as the well-rooted tree in the hot and dusty seasons.
Ask God to bless you that you may be a blessing to others. Ask Him to guide and direct you in all that you do.
Don’t forget to thank God for loving you and providing all your needs along the way; in Jesus’ name, you must pray.