People in the News

Monday, February 24, 2025

People in the News

Monday, February 24, 2025

Jesus: The Lord God Omnipotent

And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, “Alleluia!

For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!” Revelation 19:6

Jesus is the Lord God Omnipotent. Because Jesus is the God who created all things (John 1:3), He has all power. What power do you need from Him today?

Because Jesus is the Lord who controls all things by His laws and sovereignty, will you let Him control your life today?


David Lott, Sheila Tarpley Lott, Deven Bryan, Tyanna Lott and Bill Lott celebrating Father’s Day 2021

Because Jesus is omnipotent, He has the ability to do everything that is possible to do. Obviously, He will not make yesterday not happen, because that would mean God would have to deny that He existed.

Nor will God make two times two equal three, for that denies truth. An omnipotent God can do anything He wills to do, but He will not go against what He has previously done.

When Jesus comes to finally judge the world, He will have power to judge exactly as He wills. Therefore, you want to be in the center of God’s will when He comes.

Lord Jesus, be the Lord who controls my life. Be the omnipotent One, whose will I do. Be the God who gives me power to accomplish Your will.

Jesus will manifest Himself fully as the Lord God Omnipotent when He returns to Earth. Today, Jesus allows individuals to rebel against His control, deny His power and reject His will.

But what about you? Will you yield to His control? Will you claim His power? Will you do His will?

Lord Jesus, I want to glorify You with my life. I submit to Your control, and I claim Your power; help me do Your will.