CEDAR HILL – In what is being classified as a clear parallel to the Penn State University and Catholic Church child sex scandals, parents in the Cedar Hill Independent School (CHISD) have asked the president of the Texas Southern Christian Leadership Conference (Texas SCLC) to lead an effort to “Repair the Breach” of trust and safety for the children within the district.
“The Cedar Hill ISD administration is allowing dirty teachers to use our girls and boys as human sex toys and have turned our public schools into cess pools,” says the Rev. Kyev Tatum, president of the Texas SCLC.
The community is concerned in light of the arrest last week of Marlena Mints, a health class teacher at Bessie Colman Middle School in district. Last Wednesday 31 year old Mints was arrested and charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child and two charges of improper relationship with a student.
“They refuse to take full responsibility for their employees, their actions or their lack of protection for the safety of our children. This breach is criminally harmful and Spiritually shameful,” Rev. Tatum said.
Over fifty parents, teachers and concerned citizens met Monday night at the Graceland Community Baptist Church to find ways to help safeguard our children from these child sex predators within the CHISD.
“Texas officials has allowed far too many public school officials a free pass when it comes to sex predators in the classroom. How can we point our fingers at Penn State or the Catholic Church when we have serial child sex predator working in our school buildings everyday. We are calling on Governor Rick Perry to call for a statewide investigation into why so many of our Texas Teachers are allowed to work with children and cause so much long term damage to their Souls,” Rev. Tatum said.
The group, Voices of Concerned Parents of Cedar Hill (VCP), will meet again May 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the Graceland Community Baptist Church in Cedar Hill at 310 South Clark Road, where Rev. Cedric Stricklin is the Pastor. Anna Green is the meeting organizer and can be reached at 214-994-4951 for any questions.
“We are committed to exposing these child sex predators and the sick administers who have covered up their crimes in an effort to protect the public image of the school districts. As a survivor of childhood molestation, this is one of the worst forms of child abuse one can imagine. Without the proper Spiritual support, the aftermath can have long term negative consequences for our children. This criminal behavior must come to an end,” says Rev. Tatum.
Perhaps the good reverend will produce a list of these predators to the Superintendent of schools. Obviously he has more information that the schools does.
Either post proof of what you say, or this is just a basless accusation. One teacher having inappropriate contact with children is criminal and inexcusable , but it is also a far cry from “a clear parallel to the Penn State University and Catholic Church child sex scandals”.