Friday, June 28, 2024

Ron Natinsky shares why he should be the next City of Dallas mayor

Ron Natinsky,

Candidate for City of Dallas Mayor

Campaign website:

In 50 words or less, relate the knowledge, skills, or experience your candidacy offers voters.My number one priority is to create jobs. As chair of the City’s Economic  Development  Committee, I’ve helped attract over 50 companies to Dallas   while creating 6,000-plus jobs. As a neighborhood leader, entrepreneur and a  six-year Dallas City Council member, I understand what it takes to  bring people  together.

From 2005 to present, I have been a Dallas City Councilmember representing District 12. I am chair of the City’s Economic Development Committee and a member of the Council’s Budget, Finance and Audit; Legislative; Public Safety; and Transportation and Environment Committees.

What are your top three (3) priorities in this elective office? My first priority is to create jobs because once that is done, everything else falls into place. Other priorities are to create safe, livable neighborhoods through improved public safety and strong parks and libraries;  and to improve education by supporting Dallas ISD through innovative partnerships with the business community and the philanthropic sector to ensure we graduate students college and workforce ready.   

If successful, what would you do to improve this office?  As a longtime small business owner, I would like to see Dallas become more business-friendly to small and mid-sized businesses, the economic engine for our region.  I would consider a complete overhaul of our city’s building inspection and permitting process and reexamine our zoning and plan commission process.  I also would aggressively expand our toolbox and our  “target list”  to attract and retain small-to-midsize firms, especially in Downtown and in Southern Dallas.

How would you relate the problems/progress of this public office?  I have successfully operated my businesses by setting and achieving goals within a specific time frame, evaluating outcomes and adjusting to improve results. I believe the Council will work more cohesively by setting measurable goals and objectives jointly decided upon by all. I am a proponent of transparency in city government. I also believe that open communication –sharing challenges as well as successes – will build trust between city leaders and Dallas citizens. 

What do citizens deserve from this public office?  In a word: Experience. I am the only candidate who has extensively served our city in the public sector and who has been a successful businessman in the private sector. I’ve fought to keep taxes low because I know the real-world affect those increases have on homeowners and businesses. And I know how to sell Dallas. As Chairman of the Economic Development Committee, I have successfully relocated 50 companies to Dallas, created 6,000 jobs, attracted significant foreign trade and investment, and have grown our tax base. I also understand how to make things work at City Hall. I know that the Mayor has only one vote and must lead by example building coalitions, clearly defining goals and objectives, and crafting solutions that appeal to the entire council.

How does your character, work ethic or expertise match citizen needs and  expectations?  
Our American economy is driven by hard-working, small business owners who compete in a global economy. That’s my background. I’ve been described as an innovative thinker, a take-action kind of a guy who is solutions driven. Having served in leadership roles on Council and City commissions/ boards for 30 years, I appreciate the civic process that involves bringing together diverse opinions from across the city, developing consensus, and moving forward on decisions to strengthen our city.

What, if any, are your campaign promises/pledges to the electorate?  my first priority is to create jobs through intense economic development efforts.  Other priorities are to improve public safety; focus on quality of life, including  parks, libraries, arts and culture; help to improve education in Dallas; and    strengthen Downtown Dallas.


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