Saturday, July 6, 2024

Curtis Report: Dallas County Republican Chair Wade Emmert Should Resign

Columnist Barry Curtis
Columnist Barry Curtis

By Barry Curtis

There is much to say about the moral make up of a man or an organization. My proclivity to goodness suggests that I give all men an equal opportunity to disappoint. Wade Emmert and the establishment elements of the Dallas County Republican Party have certainly disappointed all true conservatives in Dallas county.

I will lay out three specific charges against Wade Emmert and the establishment elements of the Republican Party to justify a change in Dallas county leadership.

Charge one: Wade Emmert has failed to support the black conservative Republican candidate John Lawson who won his primary in the Texas State Senate race for District 23 and is now facing a dye in the wood liberal Democrat in South Dallas.

Wade has given no support to Mr. Lawson. In fact, he stood up and publicly humiliated Mr. Lawson shortly after he announced his intention to run again for the office. That behavior is stunning, at its best, and dangerously close to racism at worst.

Wade has specifically stated “I told john Lawson not to run for that office.”

Really Wade? I am so sorry that we black conservatives tend not to listen to you white establishment overseers, but we can run for any office we choose. Not only can we run for any office we choose Wade, but we can demand the same kind of support that you give to North Dallas white candidates.

The uppity establishment elements of the Dallas county Republican Party have provided no support to Mr. Lawson. Please Wade, justify that. No money, no yard signs, no door hangers, not a mention in any official Republican publications. Your inaction with the conservative black candidate, Mr. Lawson, is shameful Wade. I suggest this to the readership.

Look at all the social media photos of Wade Emmert. Wade, it’s amazing how you find plenty of time to smile with all the other white North Dallas candidates, but not one photo ever with Mr. Lawson appears on your page, nor with any other black conservative candidate. Come on Wade, we all have at least one black conservative friend. Wade, would standing next to Mr. Lawson offend you? Don’t worry Wade, his conservatism won’t rub off on you.

I present to you this, a black conservative Republican who has won his primary in the Texas State Senate District 23 and the establishment republican party won’t give any assistance to this strong conservative fighting against his well-financed liberal opponent.

This situation is incompetence at best and racism at worst. Wade Emmert should resign.

Charge two: The Dallas county republican leadership’s attempts to undermine the legitimate campaign of the black conservative candidate in Texas State Senate District 23.

This has set back many of the limited gains that the Dallas County Republican Party may have made with minority voters over the last decade. It is clear that Wade’s failure to support this black conservative candidate will negate the limited gains made at the voting booth.

It in essence will allow Dallas County to stay blue longer and with good justification. I cannot in good conscience encourage any black voter to cast a ballot for a republican while Wade remains at the leadership role in Dallas County. His words are a sham, a rouse that talks in double-speak but the situation remains the same. What do you think black voters are taking from your disregard for this black candidate that won his primary and your failure to support him? There are no words to justify your position.

The causation of your biased approach toward this black conservative has a negative and demeaning effect on the black electorate. Your actions, Wade, re-enforces the justification of black liberal voters not to vote for a conservative, and it alienates black conservatives and others from the establishment republican party. Wade Emmert, your continued role as chair will cost votes.

Wade Emmert, you should resign.


Charge 3: Wade Emmert has lost the moral authority of governance.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. taught us that the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice. Wade, any policy that you pursue that is based on bias, personal animosity, or anger is wrong.

Your utter contempt and disregard for this legitimate black conservative candidate is, in my opinion, racism, and our party, our country, and our hearts can have no place for that. You are wrong, Wade, and in your heart you know it. I know that honest men and women will now take a stand against you and raise up for what is right: To correct the injustice that your policies have created. All true patriots must oppose your continuance as Dallas County chair.

Wade, you must resign.

You can reach Barry Curtis via



  1. I agree with you whole-heartedly, Barry! I’m a Texan currently living in another state but have family in Texas. The establishment republicans do. This to most all conservatives: men, women, black, white, Latino….they are shooting themselves in the foot. When it comes to stupidity, they take the cake, especially when it comes to giving conservative blacks someone truly conservative to vote for and a reason to get off of the Democrat Plantation. BTW, I am a white conservative woman, and I will vote for a true conservative no matter what color or gender. So SICK of RINOS! Can not stomach democrats either.

  2. Barry – It is obvious from Emmert’s actions that in this case you really are dealing with a racist & bigot. I am Caucasian, but I still know a member of the “Good Ole’ Boy” party when I see one. Despicable conduct should be called out – much like Jesus with the Pharisees & Saducees. Ugly hypocrisy is Mr. Emmert’s calling card.

  3. I’m going to keep this SIMPLE !!! Wade Emmert. Your morals and standards are just what the American People are trying to rid them selves of!!! You sir have brought shame to your once good name. A man can not just call himself a Patriot!!! A man has to be A Patriot!!! A Patriot just doesn’t come in WHITE,this is unless Mr. Obama has signed that in a executive order that slipped by me like many of his executive orders has. Regardless , if the charges that have been stated about you are true then sir you should step down. We the people insist on a better Goverment , a Goverment made of Men and Weman with dignity , honor and above all respect!!! Respect for our Great Nation, our Constitution, our Service Men that have faught and died for this country. And for those who came back home from war with battle scares that your kind would not know a thing about… These great men stared death in the eye with out hesitation to bring their Brother home. I believe they say ” that no man will be left behind”. You Mr. Wade could stand to learn a lot from A Solider!!! Many eyes have been open, many once democratic minded people are seeing the light . Running from a racist Goverment . A Godless power hungry Party tearing at our Freedoms.. Curtis is dead on, your lack of support for Republican Party John Lawson. Speaks Loud and Clear to the people. I will be the first to say that it is true. Obama being the first Black POTUS and the worst Leader that our Country has ever had is a fact in it self, but!,, have you counted the crazy demented WHITES that has been by his side the entire time… Politics is not a color… What we have is Good leaders and Bad leaders… Those who rule by skin color are not Leaders, those who judge ones ability by color is a blind man… Sorry I was going to keep it simple…all I wanted to say…Mr.Wade you have no respect for others, practist some respect for yourself. RESIGN!!!

  4. It is with great sadness that I must say that the behavior of Mr. Emmett is part for the course for, I would say at least 8 years now.
    When you speak of the Establishment Republicans and the Democrats you can essentially leave out the party name as they are exactly the same.
    The establishment Republicans have been trying to control who is successful and who is not. I must say that the plight of Mr Lawson there in Dallas may have a racial tone as far as Emmett is concerned but the Republican Party seems to be totally against any and all true conservatives regardless of color.
    I wish Mr. Lawson the best and I hope he wins with a huge percentage.

  5. This is exactly why people are fed up with the Republicans. They cower to the Deacrats and have no backbone ! If John Lawson won his primary than isn’t it the responsibility of the party to stand behind him? That is defiantly a racist problem and wade Emmett should not be in that position !this racism has been going on way to long!
    This president and his cronies has made this a front and center story that most white people are recist and this needs to stop !

  6. First it should be about standing for what’s right standing for the people
    Color of a persons skin has nothing to do with it . It’s about the heart of the person and right and wrong . God help this country . Stand for your people . Throughout al the nations .

  7. I stand with Barry Curtis!!! I am a Caucasian Female Proud Christian! I will vote for Christians no matter the color of one’s skin!! Wade Emmert, you will NOT get my vote and I will warn the People, you, Mr. Emmert are the very kind of candidate we are to rid our WH of!!! Thank you, Mr. Curtis for speaking the truth!!

  8. I enjoyed the story i am white concervative in my late 50s I look at the entrenched good old boy network in the Republican Party we talk a good game about a Big Tent. But this man won his election you should step up and support this man.lead by example not from behind like our current President las our Country Flounders .from same old same old leadership.

  9. Sadly, I have come to realize that the GOP doesn’t represent the majority of my beliefs any longer. In my opinion, they don’t support enough of the minority candidates, either . I really consider myself a conservative independent, and don’t go to rallies or participate in handing out candidate info anymore.

  10. Time to end the good ole boy GOP…today more than ever you need every conservative to fight against the progressive socialist movement. …no more of this division because of pigmentation. ..if you are participant in this you need to resign. ….

  11. This is an outrage and smacks of croneyism, with a racist a time when true conservitisim is under attack ‘from both sides’ we need to stick together…remember Jesus said ‘a house divided shall fall..’ color is an exterior thing, its whats in a mans heart that counts….

  12. The Texas Democrats have an active campaign to turn Texas Blue. I am surprised that the Dallas County Republican Leadership would neglect any candidates going against a Democrat.

  13. The evidence in this scenario are overwhelming… I’d like to see Mr. Emmert explain his actions or better yet inaction.

  14. What a bunch of cheap, race-baiting nonsense. I’d be embarrassed if the county party wasted a dollar or a minute on John Lawson. Lawson probably couldn’t beat Royce West in south Dallas County even if he were running a serious campaign. But let’s face it — Lawson isn’t a serious candidate. Lawson’s campaign Facebook page has exactly two updates in the entire year of 2014. His campaign website shows no endorsements, no campaign activities on his calendar between now and the election, no real explanation of where he stands on any issues, a link to a YouTube channel with one post from over a year ago, no campaign news at all, and no other indication that he’s doing anything at all to try to win an election. He doesn’t deserve any support from anyone. Lawson may be a great and Godly man, and may even be a staunch conservative, but he’s an absolutely poor politician. DCGOP should spend its money and efforts on races that can be won. Shame on Curtis for his cheap race-baiting attack.

    If Curtis is too ignorant to understand why limited resources shouldn’t be spent on a candidate that won’t make the effort to run, then no conservative should listen to him at all. If Curtis does understand, but still takes such a stupid position to try to gin up some controversy — as I suspect — then no conservative should listen to him at all.

    Curtis is a fraud playing his audience for chumps.

  15. Mr. Emmert needs to get a grip on reality. The registered Repubs. made their choice, and you should be backing your constituents. Without these voting citizens you are just another politition and the Repub. party in your district is meaningless!!!

  16. Whatever happened to the fiscally conservative, socially moderate Republicans?

    Did you know that the first African-American woman to address a national convention seconded the nomination of Dwight Eisenhower for re-election at the 1956 Republican National Convention?

    As a Democrat, I long for the day when Republicans worked with Democrats to address issues.

    I applaud you. Mr. Curtis, for standing up for equality, respect, and dignity for all people within the Republican Party.

    The same cannot be said for the Log Cabin Republicans, who support the most virulently hateful candidates just because they have an “R” behind their name. The LCR will never have any power in the Republican Party because they sell out their power every time they support anti-equal rights candidates.

    What you are doing will improve the Republican Party and our country. Thank you.


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