Saturday, July 6, 2024

Lucy is an enjoyable short but action filled ride

lucy freemanBy Ruth Ferguson, NDG Editor

When the first scenes of Lucy appear on screen, don’t panic, you are in the right theater. This is not a showing of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, it just might feel like it for a moment as we watch this rather lifelike ape. The scene is setting the science tone, but don’t worry the action comes quickly.

Lucy, played by Scarlett Johansson, just wants to go home and not too keen on handling this simple exchange her boyfriend is requesting. After playing nice and asking her a few times, he finally slaps the cuffs on her risk and pushes her into the lobby of a high rise. Looks safe enough, albeit a bit strange. When the Asian gang comes down to “escort” her to meet Mr. Jang – it is clearly not your usual corporate office or safe.

 speaks literally just one word of English I believe, but his unconcerned, matter fact approach to cruelty is as enjoyable as the two leading stars in Lucy. The second thing I love about this movie – it is short! Filmmakers get so wrapped up in their stories these days and they stretch them out. I could have cut at least another five minutes, but then I was not into the science stuff toward the end.

At one point I was a bit annoyed with Johansson’s robotic performance, until the message of the story becomes clear. Not saying I agreed with it, but it explained her performance.

The interesting part about Morgan Freeman’s performance is that in the beginning he is clearly that calming, all-knowing God like voice of authority we have come to expect from him. He fields questions with ease as he amazes the French university students with the progression – and lack thereof to some degree throughout history. Watching his character feel so uncomfortable, was an intriguing because we just don’t see that often from him. I mean come on he did play god once.

Johansson has a cocky sort of attitude in general it seems, the fact this movie should establish has a kick-ass action hero and she is expected to flatten Apes and leave Hercules in her box office dust this weekend, won’t lead to any improvement there. Enjoy the R rated movie without kids – the violence is likely too much — ok I will admit I had my eyes covered a few times!


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