Thursday, July 18, 2024

GOP plan to continue Obamacare attack

Whether the GOP like it or not --- for the second time the Supreme Court of the United States has confirmed ACA is the law of the land.
Whether the GOP like it or not — for the second time the Supreme Court of the United States has confirmed ACA is the law of the land.

By Ruth Ferguson, NDG Editor

The Supreme Court’s Obamacare decision in King v. Burwell allows an estimated 83o,000 to continue to have access to affordable health insurance coverage through federal tax credits. Nationally, a reported 6.4 million Americans receive tax credits.

This is also considered a major victory for President Barack Obama, the Affordable Care Act, dubbed Obamacare, was the signature legislation of his administration. Supporters are hopeful this will finally put an end to the repeated efforts by the GOP to destroy the law. This is the opponents second defeat at the hands of the conservative leaning Supreme Court and as more Americans become accustom to access to healthcare at last, it will be very difficult for the GOP to try and take this away from voters in the face of a presidential election year.

However, while it may simply be bluster, it appears lawmakers on the right have no intention of stopping their efforts at gutting Obamacare.

U.S. Congressman Pete Sessions (R-TX-32), Chairman of the House Rules Committee and a Member of House Republican Leadership issued a statement pledging the fight will go on, “While I do not agree with the Supreme Court’s ruling today, I will continue to tirelessly work to dismantle, repeal, and replace this disastrous law. I have voted more than 50 times to repeal the President’s healthcare law, and I remain committed to implementing a common sense policy that provides for patient-centered solutions that focus on the needs of seniors, small businesses, and American families. A fundamental tenant of being an American means that citizens should be able to make their own decisions about what is right for them and their families, and that should include the right to choose affordable healthcare plans under a free marketplace system.”

U. S. House Speaker John Boehner’s message was very clear: “We will continue our efforts to repeal the law.”

GOP 2016 presidential hopefuls were quick to promise to dismantle Obamacare.

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry is suggesting he will proposal an alternative to Obamacare during his campaign, “With individual premiums up more than 50 percent and nearly 5 million people losing their health plans, Americans deserve better than what we’re getting with Obamacare. It’s time we repealed Obamacare and replaced it with truly affordable, patient centered-health care reform, and I look forward to laying out my ideas on this issue.” No timetable was shared on when his vision will be shared with voters.

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz and Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee chose to attack and diminish the role of the Supreme Court justices seemingly disregarding the fact our country was established deliberately with a judicial, legislative and executive branch.

According to Sen. Cruz, “Today’s decision in King v. Burwell is judicial activism, plain and simple. For the second time in just a few years, a handful of unelected judges has rewritten the text of Obamacare in order to impose this failed law on millions of Americans.”

And Gov. Huckabee declaring, “There isn’t a ‘do-over’ provision in our Constitution that allows unelected, SCOTUS judges power to circumvent Congress & rewrite bad laws.”

Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) calls for Consumer Care, not Obamacare. In his statement he stressed, “I disagree with the Court’s ruling and believe they have once again erred in trying to correct the mistakes made by President Obama and Congress in forcing Obamacare on the American people.”

Supporters of Obamacare take a third victory lap

Nationally supporters were quick to hail the Court’s decision. Representative G. K. Butterfield (NC-01), Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus applauded the Court’s decision, “This ruling by the Supreme Court ensures that millions of Americans, particularly the underserved, poor and minority communities, can enjoy without uncertainty access to affordable healthcare.”

Texas State Representative Chris Turner (HD 101 – Grand Prairie) during the recent legislative session submitted a bill to try and extend coverage if the Court ruled against ACA, but ultimately his proposed law was defeated before the session ended.

Rep. Turner is relieved his proposed bill is no longer even necessary. In his statement he said, “I am glad the Supreme Court agreed that it’s clear that Congress intended for the tax credits to be available to all Americans who purchase health coverage in an exchange and are between 100 – 400 percent of the poverty level, regardless of who runs the exchange.”



  1. The GOTea has ZERO desire (other than rally campaign cash) to try and even ADDRESS the issue of health care. They have ONE plan and one plan only. Measured under their own accounting, the CBO says repeal would cost between 160 and 300 BILLION and MILLIONS would lose their health care and some people would DIE and not get treatments needed, others would just keep getting sicker. People could go back to being able to be dropped from their insurance if they became too expensive, and those who are sick would become uninsurable. This is the GOTea plan.. LISTEN TO THEIR OWN WORDS, THEY WILL TELL YOU WHAT THEY HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU AND THE NATION>….


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