Wednesday, July 17, 2024

White Coach threatens to choke a Black student for wearing, “I Can’t Breath.” t-shirt

Richland High School Soccer Coach Matt Snow, photo source: Fort Worth SCLC
Richland High School Soccer Coach Matt Snow, photo source: Fort Worth SCLC

FORT WORTH, TEXAS – Another five student complaints were filed with the Fort Worth Chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference against a white male coach who threaten to choke a black female student  for wearing a t-shirt that read, “I Can’t Breath.”

“We are deeply disturb by the fact, Dr. Darrell G. Brown,  the Superintendent of Schools of the Birdville Independent School District believes this kind of behavior is acceptable. It is not only unacceptable, it is against the law to threaten to kill a student. If the roles were different,  the young lady would have been arrested and removed from campus. We want the same treatment of Coach Snow,” says Rev. Kyev Tatum, president of the local chapter.

The Fort Worth SCLC has received six complaints of racism and discrimination from parents, students and community leaders from the Birdville Independent School District.

The complaint from the black student was also confirmed by others students in attendance that day.   Rev.Tatum reported that A youth (young African American lady) that attends one of his daily programs told him a situation that happened at school a few weeks ago.

The young African American student told community leaders that on (4.8.2015) in her 2nd period Physical Education class, her teacher, Coach Snow, said some very concerning and offensive comments to her because she was wearing a shirt that said “I Can’t Breath”, those words made known by Eric Garners last words before a New York Police Officer choked him to death last year.

The conversation, per the student :

Coach Snow: “You shouldn’t be wearing that shirt”

Young lady: “Why”

Coach Snow: “You have nothing to do with it”

Young Lady: ” Well I am supporting it”

Coach Snow: “I outta choke you out right now”

Young lady” “That’s wrong for you to say that since you are white”

Coach Snow: Didn’t respond looked back at his computer.

The next day another student filed a complaint about hearing the teacher say those words because the student felt it was wrong.  Ultimately all that happened was a slap on the wrist for the teacher, and the teacher apologized to the student.

“We have discovered a den of discrimination, disproportionality and disparities within the Birdville Independent School District and now is the time to change the Confederate Culture within our public schools.  Dr. Brown, Coach Brenda Jacobson and Coach should be terminated for gross negligent in responding to this culture of corruption and cover up,” says Rev. Kyev Tatum.

“Hate is hate and hatred is in the Halls of Richland High School is unacceptable and against the law of God. It’s Time to Take the Confederacy down. It demeans, demoralize, and devalues other cultures, classes and people of color, ” says Rev. Tatum.

The Fort Worth SCLC is asking for  the Coach to be charged with a Terroristic Threat and Terminated.


  1. I know this article is leading towards racism but my daughter is white as snow and in just the first few weeks of school this coach has treated my child like crap so much at this point that im looking to contact the district about it… From my perspective it looks less of a race issue and more of a power issue… Dominationof those he feels are weaker than himself… This guy is a mess..


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