Sunday, June 30, 2024

Clinton slam’s Trump’s economic plan

Photo by Shallow
Photo by Shallow

As the race for the White House continues to unfold between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, on Tuesday Clinton made a detour to Columbus, Ohio to promote her economic policies if she is elected president. She also took the opportunity to address the dangers of having Donald Trump for president.

“A president’s economic decision has real consequences for families, said Clinton. President [Barack] Obama was handled the worst crisis since the Great Depression. Thanks to his leadership and hard work and resilience of the American People, we have seen more than 14 million private sector jobs created over the last six and a half years than any other leader we’ve had in the U.S.”

The location for this speech was not by accident. Clinton proclaimed, “Here in Ohio, the auto industry has made a huge comeback.” The support of Ohio, the unions and auto industry will be pivotal for her to win.

Clinton outlined her key goals when she becomes the next president sharing,

“My mission as president will be to create more paying jobs, so we can get incomes rising for hard-working families across America. It’s a pretty simple formula, higher wages lead to more demand, which leads to more jobs with higher wages.”

Clinton also offered campaigning 101 advice to per presumed opponent, Donald Trump:  “If you are running for president, you should say what you want do, how are you going to pay for it and how you’ll get it done. A few weeks ago, I said Trump’s Foreign Policy Proposals and reckless statements represent a danger to our national security. He shouldn’t be able to get his hands on our economy.”

One of John McCain’s former Economic Adviser’s actually calculated what would happen to our country if Trump gets his way and according to Clinton, the forecast is not rosy.

“We would lose three and a half million jobs, incomes would stagnate, debt would explode and stock prices would plummet, but you know who would be hit the hardest, people who had the hardest time getting back on their feet after the 2008 crisis,” Clinton shared.

As far as her economic policies if elected president, Clinton promised, “We will tackle the twin problems, college affordability and student debt. We will pursue innovative ideas like corporate profit sharing because everyone who works hard should be able to share in the rewards of their hard work and to pay for these investments, we will make sure Wall Street Corporations and the super-rich contribute their fair share. Through it all, we are going to make sure our policies match how families actually live, learn and work in the 21st century.”

Clinton reminded voters that to elect Trump is a reflection on the type of future we want for America.

“Every day we see how reckless and careless he is and how proud of it he is. That’s his choice, except when he’s asking to be our president, then it’s our choice. Donald Trump actually stood on a debate stage in November and said ‘Wages are too high in this country’ he should tell that to mothers and fathers working two jobs to raise their kids. He said and I quote ‘Having a low minimum wage is not a bad thing for this country.'”



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