Thursday, June 27, 2024

City of Plano Blackboard Connect Communications Service to Debut June 4

The City of Plano’s newest communications tool, Blackboard Connect, will debut June 4 via a recorded telephone message from Plano Mayor Phil Dyer to Plano homes and businesses.

Familiar to many through its use by school districts and colleges, Blackboard Connect enables persons to subscribe to the City’s free service identifying the news they can use in the manner they choose. Any combination of email, text or telephone options may be utilized to receive information on any combination of topics. The system is not meant as a substitute for e-newsletters, Facebook or Twitter feeds that already have subscribers, but is a tool for relaying important or urgent information. (Examples include inclement weather notifications and precautions, public safety emergencies, unexpected street closures.)

Mayor Dyer’s telephone introduction to the system will utilize a telephone land line database to introduce the system. Anyone wishing to subscribe to the mobile notification service may utilize a portal on the City’s website which requires minimal time and information to complete. Information options will continue to expand as topics are identified and added to the subscription menu. It is important to note that the City of Plano does not sell or share any contact information from persons who sign up for Blackboard Connect.

Persons wishing to remove their land line from future notifications may opt out of the system by calling the Public Information Department at (972) 941-7307.

Blackboard Connect is an important component of the 2012 City Council Strategic Vision to improve and expand citizen input and engagement opportunities.

Find the portal for the City of Plano Blackboard Connect at:


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