Sunday, June 30, 2024

Trump agrees the vote count is not right

By Ruth Ferguson, NDG Editor

President-Elect Donald Trump apparently agrees with Green Party candidate Jill Stein and Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee and her millions of supporters, the election vote total is not accurate. After sending tweets earlier today calling Clinton’s recount efforts as sad, this afternoon his Twitter storm has produced more.

He claims that he not only won the electoral college vote by a landslide but if it were not for the fact that millions illegal votes were cast for Clinton, Trump believes he would have won the popular vote too.

Also in a series of tweets, Trump threw Clinton’s outrage from the debate back in her face. During a Presidential Debate this fall, when Trump refused to say he would accept the vote, Clinton quickly responded that his position was “horrifying” claiming that is not how our democracy has worked for more than 240 years.

Bottomline, winning the election does not mean Trump’s tweets are over. Secondly, both candidates have flipped the script on how they feel about “accepting” the vote count. Clinton is sending lawyers and supporting recount efforts this week.

One thing Trump said is likely true, the results won’t change.



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