People in the News

People in the News

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

OK Congress, President Obama has called your bluff what are you going to do?

President Obama talks with Congressional leaders while VP Biden listens in. (White House Photo)
President Obama talks with Congressional leaders while VP Biden listens in. (White House Photo)

Of course there are many who are outraged and President Barack Obama’s decision to ask Congress for authorization to attack Syria. They want him to go Rambo and send bombers sweeping in with music soaring in the background. On the left there are those who are outraged that America would get involved in a domestic – albeit tragic – situation.

After listening to members of the Congress say do this or don’t do that – President Obama has decided to call their bluff and say OK, the Constitution gives you a voice so discuss, debate and then vote!

“It’s one of the angles to today’s news that’s so fascinating — Obama isn’t just challenging Congress to play a constructive role in a national security matter, the president is also telling lawmakers to act like adults for a change. They’re federal lawmakers in the planet’s most powerful government, and maybe now would be a good time to act like grown-ups who are mindful of their duties.”

What will they do? What do you want them to do? Do you care enough to contact your local politician and ask them to represent your voice?

Read Rachel Maddow’s assessment on President Obama’s strategy here.


  1. …this is the only way the US is supposed to be involved in war…Congress is supposed to declare it…all those other actions – including Libya, Iraq, Vietnam, Panama, etc., etc., have all been illegal…immoral…mess…

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