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People in the News

Sunday, March 16, 2025

People in the News

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Curtis Report: Dallas County Republicans: Deconstructing the Black Conservative

John Lawson is a Republican candidate for Texas Senate in Dallas County. Why is he not receiving any support from the GOP establishment?
John Lawson is a Republican candidate for Texas Senate in Dallas County. Why is he not receiving any support from the GOP establishment?

By Barry Curtis

Texas politics can be a rough and tumble business, that’s the nature of the beast and as such that is fair. All Texas Republicans maneuver the treacherous political waters of this very red state with zeal and passion and they often win. However, if you are a black conservative Republican, there are more hazards and obstacles in the water that make swimming an impossibility and there is no life jacket in sight.

The Dallas County Republican establishment’s lack of support of conservative black candidates is staggering in its audacity and breath taking for its in-your-face boldness. Here is the fundamental issue: When the establishment republicans fail to fully support black conservative candidates they are not just saying that black conservatives cannot be at the table, the republican’s lack of support validates the belief that black conservatives do not deserve to be at the table.

We again go to the most blatant case of non- support in Dallas County. John Lawson, who is a Black conservative republican candidate running for the Texas State Senate in South Dallas. John Lawson is running against an entrenched solid democratic incumbent by the name of Sen. Royce West. Keep in mind that John Lawson has no republican primary challenger. John is the republican challenger that will face Royce West in the general Election. According to the Lawson campaign, he has received no support from the Dallas County Republican Party.  There is no help in organizing a fundraiser, no one in the Dallas County Republican Party standing shoulder to shoulder with him as he fights this tremendous political battle. The Dallas County Republican Party’s lack of support of this black conservative is odd, strange, and should be concerning to all blacks no matter where you are on the political spectrum.

In contrast, let’s look at the Dallas County Republican’s support of Ron Natinsky. Ron is a republican conservative running for county Judge. Don’t get me wrong, I support Ron’s bid for county Judge. I know Ron and he will make a fine Judge.  Ron has no republican challenger in his bid for county Judge, hummmm, just like John Lawson. Ron will face a staunch entrenched democratic opponent, just like John Lawson, hummmmmm.

What follows is very different from John Lawson: Look at any Facebook post and various fundraisers and you will see a who’s who of Republican County establishment folks fawning all over our friend, Ron. You deserve it Ron, but John does too.

I do not know if the establishment republicans have an issue with black conservative candidates or just conservative candidates in general.  It is clear that either answer reeks with the smell of uppity better-than-you sentiment.

In this environment we have a national search committee considering a host of cities to hold the 2016 Republican Convention including Dallas, really?

You can read more from Barry Curtis at 


  1. Machado Curtis makes a lot of insinuations. Mainly, that the Republican Party isn’t doing anything for your campaign. I know Wade Emmert, I think he’s still Dallas County Chairman…and I don’t know him to be exclusive of anyone. I know he wants to win Republican seats. So it does seem strange to me. What have you asked for? Did you ask for anything in specific from the Party? I interpret that since you mentioned the fundraiser, that you expected them to do more? I’ve learned that communicating specifics is very important. Now, if you went to your local Party, asked for help in a specific way, and they denied to help you, then I definitely have a problem with that.

  2. Greetings, Mr. Curtis.
    On the face of it, the Dallas County Republican Party’s treatment of Mr. Lawson is reprehensible at best, and at worst, discriminatory. I am wondering about a couple of things, though. Is Mr. Lawson the only conservative Republican black man in Dallas county and/or Texas State politics? If there are others, are they supporting his bid for the Senate? From your report it sounds like several black conservative Republicans have been treated in like manner. Have I read too much into it? You mentioned that Republican support of Ron Natinsky,is strong, that you know him, and believe he will make a fine judge. Do you know Mr. Lawson? I’m not questioning the reality of Mr. Lawson’s situation, and it’s pretty clear he is being treated as an outcast. I just wonder how prevalent the problem is, and whether or not Mr. Lawson is as qualified and likable a guy as Ron Natinsky. If he is, then it certainly is odd, strange, and should be concerning to all blacks. It should be concerning to everybody else as well.

  3. Curtis, you know me, I could care less about color of skin, it is the content of your heart. Sadly, the people in charge of the GOP don’t see that. The old man in the Idaho governor debate may be right, the GOP establishment have become Dems and the Dems have become socialists. For instance take Karl Rove. Moderates do not work, yet he advocates putting them up time and time again knowing that formula doesn’t work. He dismisses the Allen Wests of the world. Still people by off into his bologna every year because of the brand. When will people see that is killing the party and that is their plan?

  4. I for one do not look at Color!! God made us all to His perfection! I’m not in the Dallas area but I refer to me of the Republican Party as old School Rinos and I am a Conservative but the old school are corrupt just like the Demrats! I stay away from those kind! I look for candidates that are the most Christian like and proud to process their Faith and Trust in God no matter the color!! I want to see those like Ben Carson, Allen West, Mike Huckabee and those like these fine Christian Men!!! I am sick and tired of the corrupt and liars in the WH!!! It’s time to get them out of office and a majority of them behind bars, Where they belong, and that means no matter their party!!!! It’s gonna take Christians to clean up the mess this Country is in!!!! Alot of prayers and a smaller Government! !!!

  5. I am with several others in needing more information than you have given to make an informed conclusion on your article. You did not speak to the character of Lawson. Did not meet vetting requirements? Did he ask for help? You do raise some questions that should be further investigated.

  6. I know how Mr. Lawson feels. I was a 2014 candidate for Congress in Upstate New York. While that may sound like an uphill battle, the 22nd district is actually +3 or +6 Republican (depending on where you look). In fact Dems abandoned the district for the 2014 race.

    That just left an incumbent and, from 2013 until early 2014, me. The incumbent, Rep. Richard Hanna, is on record asking women to join the Dem Party, voted for late-term abortion, is in favor of immigration reform, voted for the unlimited increase in the debt ceiling this year, and strongly is promoting HR 2131 that would give 160,000 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) jobs to foreigners over Americans. Given the record of Rep. Hanna voting against Republican initiatives and stating on the record that Republicans have “no ideas”, you might think an opponent that has a history of Conservative Republican views and commentary, that can be found on a simple google or youtube search, should easily get support.

    The reality is that the Broome County Republican Party, my home, wouldn’t even give me a chance to speak to the Executive Committee. That’s after 12 attempts over 9 months to even get a response to my request to be heard – that’s 9 months of campaigning with an exploratory committee and announcing a run and coverage by news media.

    Instead, the Broome County Republican Chairman endorsed Rep. Hanna without says so much as hello to me.

    How is that supposed to make me feel? What message is that sending to every qualified Black and/or Hispanic Conservative Republican? How does that encourage the multitude of other Conservatives and Republicans that exist in the Black and Hispanic communities to come forward, in the face of criticism that we all know is heaped on us once we openly announce our views.

    John, I wish you the best in your race for elected office. For me, the race ended April 2nd – though another challenger did appear (Assemblywoman Claudia Tenney) so there is still hope for the NY-22. But even so, there is no question that being a Black Conservative Republican is anything but warmly received on all sides in my opinion. I hope that changes soon.

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