Thursday, November 21, 2024

Does Fantasia have the funds for another lawsuit?


That’s right…we said it…Fantasia is reportedly going to be sued by her salesman boyfriend, Antwaun Cook’s wife. So you know what that means? Yes, Fantasia is the other woman and in the state of North Carolina, a wife or husband can sue their spouse’s jump-off if they feel it caused damage to their relationship. Oh the law is twisted.

So here is how the law works…There are only 7 states which have this law, which is actually called the criminal conversion law and it is not like the traditional “Alienation of Affection” law because the alleged jump-off can’t claim ignorance as to why he or she got busted sleeping with a married person. uncovered that under North Carolina’s law, if the wife can prove that she was VALIDLY married and that her husband had SEX with his jumpoff, then the jumpoff is AUTOMATICALLY liable for damages.

Fantasia does not need another lawsuit after being sued by her own father in 2009 and her explosive upset on her reality TV show, Fantasia For Real, on VH1 when her brother, Tiney, blew her $8,000 studio remodeling budget. Not to mention she left the Broadway hit production of Oprah Winfrey’s, “The Color Purple” which has left her strapped for cash. Our question is where is she going to get this money if the wife decides to sue her? Did we mention that he is only a salesperson? So where is the money going to come from?

We will be sure to keep you posted as this story develops.


  1. That is sum bs…I would b tryna hurt that woman!!!! It was prolly a setup between the man and the wife. I wouldn’t b surprised. Tryna get fantasias money!!!

  2. I agree ‘jessibaybee’… Me and my co-worker were just saying that the husband and wife probably are setting her up, as a scam! That is crazy!

  3. Wouldn’t matter if it was a setup or not. She knew the guy was married and was still cheating with him.
    She even tried to cover up a tattoo she had of his know, once she was aware of a potential lawsuit. She had also been warned by several people. She clearly makes bad decisions.

    She needs to dump the dude. He’s a piece of scum for cheating on his wife. If they no longer loved each other he should have gotten a divorce. She should have stayed away from him.

    I can see she is in for years of trouble if she continues to make bad decisions like this one.


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