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Precious star asked to lose weight

Now you know you think your stuff don’t stink when you can release a letter to a star demanding they get on a weight lose program. Acaisupply.com recently sent Precious star, Gabourey Sidibe a letter informing her that they could no longer sit back and witness her being overweight.

The letter was an attempted plea with the star that she will only last in Hollywood if she got herself on a regimen to reduce her weight. To further convince the star that she needed to lose weight CEO Evan H. mentioned naysayer Howard Stern and offered a year supply of Acaisupply.com products in exchange for a glowing testimony of her weight loss.

Talk about nerve. We agree that Sidibe should consider weight reduction techniques but we do not feel that the approach was handled correctly by the company because the letter is on TMZ.com for millions to laugh and scoff at. If Sidibe’s career is based upon her weight then she should pull a Kirstie Alley and get paid while making fat jokes about herself.

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