Thursday, June 27, 2024

NDG Gossip: Bosh’s baby momma drama saga and the NBA Finals

By Tonya Whitaker
NDG Staff Writer

Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks on winning their first NBA title on Sunday. All the hoopla over the Mavs/Heat matchup was somewhat overshadowed by the drama of those three Heat so-called demigods. In the end, LeBron James could not cough up an NBA title; Dwyane Wade is still scum for lying up with Gabrielle Union while he was still married; and Dallas native Chris Bosh is up to his ears in baby momma drama to think about winning basketball games. Check this. Bosh’s ugly custody battle with his baby momma Allison Mathis seems to have spilled into his preparation for the finals. According to TMZ, Mathis had not allowed their 2-year-old daughter, Trinity, to see Bosh. Upset with her noncompliance the power forward sent a “heart-felt” letter to Mathis to allow their daughter to attend the finals, what he calls “the most important time of his life.” On a good note, a judge heard Bosh’s plea and allowed Trinity to see her dad. In the end, Trinity got to see her dad lose Game 6. Hmm, would he have pushed the visitation request if the Heat were not in the NBA finals? I guess we see what is important to Bosh.

In denial

Kim Kardashian’s buddy Lauren London went on the defense last week to let everyone know that she did not hook up Kardashian and Bret Lockett. According to, the NFL player claims he was introduced to Kim by London, who was dating his younger brother at the time. London said she doesn’t know and has never dated Lockett’s brother, and to add to the mess, London claims that someone has stolen her Twitter identity and posted that information on her Twitter account. OMG! Birds of a same feather flock together. All the drama associated with that Kardashian “woman” gives me a headache!


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