Saturday, July 20, 2024

How to help your child become a delinquent

By Shirley Tarpley
NDG Staff Writer


Sunday is Father’s Day 2011.  This column is especially for young and new fathers.  I thought you might like to read this and perhaps pass it along to others you might know with very young children.  There are many stories about child abuse, why children are doing wrong things, etc., this just might give some insight into what has happened over the years.


When your children are infants, give them everything they want.  This way they will think the world owes them a living when they grows up.  When they pick up swearing and saying off-colored jokes, laugh at them and encourage them.  As they grow up, they will pick up cuter phrases that will floor you.

 Never give them any spiritual training.  Wait until they are “grown” and let them decide for themselves.  Avoid using the words “wrong” and “no.”  It will give your children a guilt complex.  You can condition them to believe what those words mean later in life, when they are in trouble with the courts or at school.


Pick up after them—their books, clothes, shoes, toys, etc.  Do everything for them so that they will be experienced in throwing all of their responsibilities onto others and blaming society for all of their trouble.


Let them read all printed material and see all of the x-rated movies and TV shows that they can get their hands on.  Sterilize and wash the dishes and clothes, but let them feast their minds on garbage, inappropriate and indecent stuff.


Quarrel frequently in their presence; then they won’t be surprised when their home is broken up later because they haven’t learned to work out their differences with others.  Satisfy their every craving for food, drink, and comfort.


Give your children all of the spending money they want.  This helps them in thinking that they are entitled to have things without working for them.  Take their side against everyone and when they get in real trouble, make up excuses, this helps them when they are blaming the world for everything that is going wrong in their life.




HOW TO HELP CHILDREN– Don’t be a stumbling block to them, Romans 14:1-23.  Teach them how to forgive others, Ephesians 4:32.  Teach them not to elevate oneself above others, Romans 112:18.  Show them daily how to strive for unity, Philippians 1:27.  Demonstrate for them how to be hospitable to everyone, Romans 12:13.  Explain to them how to guard against offending others, St. Matthew 18:5-10 and 18:15-20.  Show them how to be sober, watchful and prayerful, 1 Peter 4:7.  Illustrate for them how to fellowship with family and friends, Acts 2:42 and 1 John 1:3.  Demonstrate for them how to live at peace with everyone, Romans 12:18.  Teach them to use their God given gift, what ever it might be, the right way, Romans 12:6-10 and Ephesians 4:7-16.  Teach them to be tenderhearted, Ephesians 4:32.  Show them how to exhort one another on a daily basis, Hebrews 3:13-19.  Show them how them to worship and praise God, Acts 2:42 and Hebrews 10:25.  Teach them to help the needy, St. Luke 10:29-37.  And don’t forget to show them how to rejoice in the Lord, as instructed by the Word of God, Philippians 4:4.


A father was approached by his small son who told him proudly, “I know what the Bible means!” His father smiled and replied, “What do you mean, you ‘know’ what the Bible means? The son replied, “I do know!”  “Okay, what does the Bible mean?”  “That’s easy, Daddy, the young boy replied excitedly, it stands for ‘Basic Information Before Leaving Earth.’

Happy Father’s Day to all; especially to Jarrell Tarpley, Ed & Bill Lott, Burt & David Fielding, Uncle Charlie Baker, Uncle Monaque Carter, Sr. and Dr. Gregory Voss, Senior Pastor of Word of Life COGIC. 


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