Thursday, July 18, 2024

Sister Tarpley’s Column: What is Your Purpose (Gift)?

Sister Tarpley with Sister Sandra K. Wilkerson, author of “Memoirs of a Teenage Angel;” This is the story of her daughter’s desire to be in Heaven as a teenager and Sister Wilkerson’s heartfelt help when someone loses a love one.

“Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of My hands . . .”   “Who hath saved us, and called us with an Holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, . . .”   2 Timothy 1:6 & 9 (KJV)

When Jesus said those words, He was telling us how to live a superior life right here on earth.  ‘Only what you do for Christ will last forever!’

Are you doing what God called you to do?  You may say, “Oh, I’m not called to do anything.  I’m not a pastor, an elder, a teacher, or a minister; I’m just a small part in the Body of Christ.”

It doesn’t matter who you are, God has put a “Holy calling” in you.  He has called you to meet a need in the Body of Christ that is only for you.

You may be called to a ministry of prayer and intercession.  You may be called to a ministry of healing in your own neighborhood.  No matter what your calling is, it’s important that you be about the business of walking in the path that God has for you.

Don’t allow your life to become so overwhelmed with other things that you don’t have time to pursue “your calling.”  Have a talk with God, then discipline yourself to stick to what you are called to do.  Make up your mind to prayerfully trim away the things that you may be tempted to add to your life that will hinder you from “your calling.”  Think about it, “your calling” is vital to God’s plan.  “Your calling” is Holy, and it is yours alone.

Think about what you want your epitaph to say.  How do you want people to remember you? What type of legacy will your life leave behind?

It has been told of an interview of a very successful and powerful man.  When he was asked what he wanted his epitaph to say; this man ran an international business that is a household name to all. He was a professed Christian, but he had difficulty answering the question. “I always knew someone would ask that question some day. I am not sure I am any more prepared to answer it now either,” was the man’s answer. He grappled for a few nice words, but it was clear he had not seriously considered his life much beyond his business success.

It is said of George Washington Carver that he got up early in the morning each day to walk alone and pray. He asked God how he was to spend his day and what He wanted to teach him that day.

Carter was offered six-figure income opportunities from Henry Ford, and he became friends with presidents of his day, yet he knew what God had called him to do. His epitaph read:

“He could have added fortune to fame, but caring for neither, he found happiness and honor in being helpful to the world.”

“He will bless those who fear the Lord- small and great alike.”  Psalm 115:13.

The following is something that was given to me long ago.  I pray you are able to apply some of these things to your life as well.

CREED:  To live each day as though I may never see tomorrow; to give the advantage, but never ask for it; to be kindly to all, but kinder to the less fortunate; to respect all honest employment; to remember always that my life is made easier and better by the service of others; and never forget to be grateful.

To be tolerant and never arrogant; to treat all people with equal courtesy; to be true to my own in all things; to make as much as I can of my strength and the day’s opportunity; and to meet disappointment without resentment.

To be friendly and helpful whenever possible; to do without display of temper or bitterness, all that fair conduct demands; and to keep my money free from cunning or the shame of a hard bargain; to govern my actions so that I may fear neither reproach or misunderstanding, nor words of malice or envy; and to maintain, at whatever temporary cost, my own self-respect.

I have failed my creed and philosophy often and shall fail it many times again; but by these teachings I have tried to live to the best of my ability; laughed often, loved, suffered, grieved, found consolation and have prospered.  By friendships I have been enriched and the home I have built has been happy.  –Anonymous



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