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People in the News

Sunday, March 9, 2025

People in the News

Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Truth Clinic: A post election conversation on the GOP implosion

The day after the Nov. 6 election I called my good friend CeCe, who lives on the Virginia side of the Washington, D.C and Virginia border.

CeCe and I met during freshmen orientation at Howard University.  We were both disabled veterans (Korean Conflict) entering college under the GI Bill and felt somewhat out of place mingling with a bunch of younger high school graduates.  Initially, we bonded because of our mutual backgrounds but have remained close friends for over 50 years.  As such, we fuss, fight and argue over issues without feeling attacked; especially on politics since he tends to be conservative and I lean liberal.

“I guess you are calling to gloat a little,” CeCe said as he immediately recognized my voice.

“Not really.  Just wanted to check in to see how you were getting along.  Remember, you are still two years older than me.  Or has your Alzheimer kicked in?  But—since you brought it up—Obama did put a royal butt whuppin on Romney last night.  How are you conservatives feeling?

“Well, I think the grand ole party is shell shock, divided, and mad at everybody.”

“Right on, I agree conservatives are mad.  In fact, they are more than mad.  Their mad meter soared into the red zone. They are so mad that they have turned to biting on each other.”

“C’mon, it isn’t that bad.”

“No.?  Well, why did they jump on Karl Rove the way they did?  One of the big conservatives said he ought to give back most of that $300 million that the one per centers gave him to deliver the White House to Romney.  And this absolute hatred towards President Obama is not just because he is black.  No, CeCe, the real reason is much deeper than blackness or immigration reform, gay rights, women’s rights or taxation reform.”

“Then what is it,” CeCe asked in a halting voice.

“It’s all about maintaining White Supremacy.”

“You mean, like that skinhead stuff?”

“Partially, but not totally.  Skinheads are a fringe element much like the tea party is within the conservative movement.  The White Supremacy I’m talking about is the core philosophy that is based on White Superiority.  For over 200 years the white majority has insisted that their superiority is due to a higher level of brain power that gives them the ability to out think blacks.”

“Man, I’ve known you for many years.  And sometimes I thought you had stumbled into the Looney bin with your weird ideas.  Now I’m thinking I better call the St. Elizabeth’s mental ward and tell them to come and get you.”

“Hold on CeCe.  Just hear me out.  As America endeavored to spread its influence to other nations over the years it intimated that the social, political, industrial, and historical accomplishments of the United States were solely due to the superior intellect of whites.  This superiority was always based on the notion that whites could outthink blacks.  Slavery was rationalized as white compassion because of this perceived superior thinking capability.  After all, black intelligence was on a par with apes“

“I’m listening. Go on.”

“Over the years whites relented superiority in most areas where physical prowess was involved (boxing, football, baseball, basketball, and recently tennis and golf).  Yet even with these concessions they validated their claim to thinking superiority because they were the owners who signed the checks.  Then, in 2008 up start  Obama out smarts America’s most experienced white political strategists by winning what is arguably the most prestigious and powerful position in the world.


“So by beating the “man” at the game that he created and controlled for over 200 years Obama poked a hole in the very foundation of White Supremacy-the superiority of white thinking.  And this, my friend, is what has the conservative ideologues shaking in their boots.  They know the world will conclude if one black can out think them then there may be others; and if there are others then the White Supremacy theory must be false.”

“Oh, my God!  Maybe you are not crazy.  I’ve got to think about this stuff.  Man, you got my head spinning.  I don’t know if you are crazy or if I am crazy.”

“Calm down, CeCe.  Catch your breath.  You still a Jack Daniels fan?  I’ll hold the line while you go get some. Then we’ll wrap this up.  Don’t get more than two fingers, though.  I don’t want you to fall asleep before we finish.”

“OK, I’m back.  What’s next?”

“Well. 2008 was a shocker to the conservatives.  But it could be rationalized as a fluke if the 2008 victory could be delegitimized in some way.  That would keep the white superiority theory intact.  The multiple birther investigations were a desperate attempt to prove the 2008 presidency was obtained by fraudulent means.  Conservatives believed a successful birther expose would permit them to rewrite history and claim President Obama’s 2008 election was not legitimate and therefore he did not out-smart them.”

So. When he beat them the second time, even after they spent billions on the anti-Obama campaign and positioned congress as an obstructionist goliath,  the conservatives imploded?”

“You got it, CeCe.  They took their best shot and it backfired.  Now they are in internal turmoil.  Don’t you want to come on over to the good side?  If fact, if you want me to I’ll fly up and go down to the registration office with you.”

“Now don’t get ridiculous.  After all, it’s only been one day since the election.  I’ll have to give this some thought.”

“Very good.  But in the meantime stay on track for making yourself a one per center.  But be a one per center with a heart.  Easy on, man.  Give my best to the family.”

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