Update at 11:29 a.m. – In response to an email to Tony Pompa providing him with an opportunity to respond to the exchange, the following email response was quickly received from Pompa:
“No but thank you for asking. I have said what I wanted to say to Mr. Castillo.”
Apparently there is no love lost between Kyev Tatum, the President of Texas Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and Arlington School Board Member Tony Pompa. In fact, Tatum sent the following email exchange between the two men. The exchange resulted with Tatum declaring Pompa is a racist sellout.
Mr. Pompa:
You are an Arrogant Mexican Racist who has sold out his own community. The Texas SCLC denounce you publicly and demand you resign from the Arlington ISD. If not, we will call for a boycott of Arlington ISD until you resign for supporting Apartheid in Arlington.
Kyev Pompa Tatum, Sr.
President, Texas SCLC
——Original Message——
From: tony pompa
To: Luis Castillo
Subject: Re: Challenge and Teacher Interests
Sent: Mar 30, 2013 10:15 AM
Mr. Castillo, I have no intention of providing any of this information that you request. First of all, I ran and was elected to serve on the AISD board to serve the needs of all students and to assist in reforming the district. I certainly did not run to be your research assistant. Second, you have taken every opportunity to attack the board, AISD and me personally without publicly acknowledging the tremendous work that is being currently done. We know that this district is not where we want it to be, but reforming it will take some time. We are putting into place some of those foundational pieces that will assure that transformation. Perhaps you just don’t comprehend this, or maybe you simply choose to ignore what many others in our community recognize. You certainly don’t make mention of the positive steps being taken. In any case, I am not in the practice of assisting individuals who directly and publicly attack my character and my integrity. Finally, it is you and your friends who stood before our board and the public and accused the district of “institutional racism” which implies that we have codified, systemic and accepted racist practices and policies. Please indicate any of our official policies which you think are specifically racist. You may find them all online. Since it is you who has made the accusation that we have institutionalized racism in our district, then the responsibility of supporting your accusations with factual data rests with you.
Thank You, Tony Pompa Trustee Arlington Independent School District On Mar 26, 2013, at 11:26 PM,
“Luis C. Castillo” <lccastillo@msn.com> wrote:
Board of Trustee Mr. Pompa, Please advise if it’s your intend to provide to me the data I referenced below on my email of March 11, 2013. In this regard for clarity purposes, I’m requesting the total number of AISD employees broken by ethnicity with it’s respective numbers and percentages. Thank you. Luis C. Castillo