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People in the News

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

People in the News

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Curtis Report: The five democratic rules for overseeing black people, and other misguided follies

kkBy Barry Curtis

The last five decades have seen a solid almost monolithic support among black people for the Democratic Party. This solid voting block is a direct result of the democratic manipulation of black people and a not so subtle attempt to keep the “black vote” in the democratic column.

Here are the rules for keeping the black vote democratic.

There must first be an overseer – That’s the anointed democratic leadership responsible for keeping the black folks in line. The best way to keep your slave mentality intact is to have a person who can be identified as having the same mentality enforcing the folly. Now enter Jesse Jackson, Shelia Jackson lee, Maxine waters, al Sharpton, need we go on? They continue with the myth that “look we are all black and we are democrats” thus so should you be. Don’t bother thinking! We will think for you.

In the 1800’s in America’s south, on large plantations, the person who directed the daily work of the slaves was the overseer, usually a white man but occasionally an enslaved black man—a “driver”—promoted to the position by his master. Some plantations had both a white overseer and a black driver, especially in the Deep South or on plantations where the master was often absent.

Blacks must believe that conservatism isn’t for you – Liberals want black people to believe that they have little to no common ground with conservatives. Nothing can be further from the truth. There is strong support in the black community for school vouchers (that is the ability for parents to send their kids from state schools to private schools based on government funds, in essence to opt out of public schools).

Many recent polls show a shift in the black community and their support for abortion, abortion rates in the black community are almost twice that of their white counter parts. This shift is more significant among black Christians. There is a rising chorus among blacks regarding illegal immigration and its effects on the jobs available for blacks and social status. All are very conservative positions.

Blacks can’t make it as Republicans – This is one of the biggest lies of the liberal left and one that they can’t keep up much longer. We need only look at t Dr. Ben Carson, let’s not forget the great service of Colin Powell and Dr. Condoleezza Rice, both serving as secretary of state. U.S. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, Allen West the black Republican Congressmen from Florida and of course, the former head of the Republican Party Michael Steele. The list goes on and on. Clearly the liberals are losing this position.

The traitor aspect of being a black conservative – Much like the overseers of the plantation the liberal left will make an example out of any person that runs away from the liberal ideology and that much taunted black voting block. So don’t be a run away. The black NFL quarter back Robert Griffin III and Heisman trophy winner who is a self-proclaimed conservative recently tweeted “In the land of freedom we are held hostage by the tyranny of political correctness.” He should know, he was publicly blasted on ESPN for not being black enough and having a “white women” a clear message by the liberal media to all blacks, don’t get off the plantation or we will whipped you back in place.

Call them a racist. Few things end debate or in the least stifle debate then calling your opponent a racist. The liberal TV host Chris Mathews makes a living off of it. Matthews recently said of the conservative senator Ted Cruz of Texas. “This guy goes pretty far, but I think he fits in the tradition of Father Coughlin, and [Joe] McCarthy, and of course, and maybe to a lesser extent, Pat Buchanan, and [Bill] O’Reilly. These guys are hard right-wing guys, they look a lot alike — they have what we call the ‘black Irish look’ to them — they don’t smile much.” Really? What if a white conservative made a statement like “they all look alike”? The liberal left, headed by black overseers has effectively shut down many white voters voices. Many whites have failed to criticize the president in fear of being called a racist. This is a fact, because many of my listeners have privately shared this very concern with me.

This whole lie by the liberal Black Democrats is built on a fragile belief that black people are too stupid to figure it out or perhaps too lazy to care. I believe they are wrong on both accounts. It is time we as black people tell these free loading, empty suited, black power waving mental dwarfs that we are FREE MEN and free men think , work for a decent wage, care about our children’s education, oppose the murder of our family via abortion and fundamentally believe that government is the servant and not master.



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