Source: NewsOne.com
US Attorney General Eric Holder faces a tough decision as civil rights group petition the Department of Justice to press federal civil rights charges against George Zimmerman, 29, who was found “not guilty” on second-degree murder and manslaughter charges Saturday night by a jury of 6 women — 5 white and one Hispanic — for the February 26, 2012 killing of unarmed Black teen, Trayvon Martin.
Two hours ago the NAACP’s petition to urge the Department of Justice to investigate federal crime charges reportedly had over 400,000 signatures. Now the website is currently crashed due to the high number of visitors.
To read the full story about the pressure civil rights groups are putting on Holder and the DOJ visit NewsOne.com
…another “whose side are you on” test for the administration….I’ll bet a hole against a doughnut that they side with the 400 thousand+…