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People in the News

Saturday, March 15, 2025

People in the News

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Curtis Report: A patriot’s trust

indexBy Barry Curtis

I choose to trust my government I want to trust my government. Government requires trust. However I do not trust “big” government. Big government by its very nature is intrusive on the personal liberties of those that it governs.

There is big government, and then there is big progressive government. Progressive liberal government is inherently dangerous. Big liberal government consumes all in its wake. Big government targets Personal property thru taxation and unreasonable punitive sanctions against its citizens for failure to comply with the big government rules.

Big governments by definition must restrict your personal choices. These choice restrictions could be the size of a big gulp you drink, taxation on how large of a car you purchase, or penalty for failure to have the “designated” health insurance mandated by the state.

One of the most dangerous aspects of big government is that it has anointed itself the end all be all for the people. You see big government acts on its own accord believing that it knows better than we patriots do on subjects of general welfare. These amassed bureaucrats and experts will deliver action against us and to us for our own good. It is their position that big government knows better than we patriots do as to what is in our best interest. Big government accepts this premise as modus operandi regardless if we patriots do or not.

There exists today a dangerous threat to our freedoms. This threat is so real and so devastating that it has the capacity to absorb all of our cherished freedoms. This threat does not come from an outside entity such as a foreign government or ideology, but it is from within. This threat is a large organization, network or entity. This network is not always visible. It cloaks itself either in secrecy or in the guise of policy and necessity. This large and damaging entity can’t help but leave crumbs that become clues to connect the missing pieces together. These crumbs or dots that we can connect together come in the form of an electronic trail that includes e mails, credit card transactions, cell phone records, surveillance cameras, medical records and government files. This massive gathering of data that is stored without cause and without oversight by bureaucrats that have little care or oversight themselves, can represent the strangle hold on our republic.

Amassed personal information is power. Big governments must have power to sustain its self. Our founding fathers who warned us against a large central government would be horrified by technologies ability to violate the sanctity of privacy and personal liberties. We have seen so blatantly the executive’s branches willingness to use personal information as a political weapon or at the least to intimidate private citizens.

Patriots are warned that big government is inherently evil, for it deprives us patriots of our GOD given birth rights that we all know are not sanctioned by government but are the unalienable DNA of the American character. Remember, Patriots love their country all the time and supports its government when it deserves it.

Listen to The Curtis Report on KLIF 570 AM and KSKY 660 AM