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People in the News

Friday, March 14, 2025

People in the News

Friday, March 14, 2025

Curtis Report: Re-thinking Pete sessions

indexBy Barry Curtis

Long time north Texas Congressman Pete Sessions has been active in blocking attempts by conservative Republican patriots to allow a House of Representatives vote on legislation to form a special committee to investigate the Benghazi, Libya attack.

Republican leaders have resisted the vote and thus the creation of the special committee arguing that existing committees are sufficient. I argue differently Mr. Sessions. A special committee solely focused on the issue, with dedicated investigators and significant subpoena powers may be the “break” that is necessary to deal with the tragedy that ended the lives of four Americans including the American ambassador to Libya. Almost a year after the incident and no one is in custody? No witnesses can be found by the Obama administration although they are being interviewed on CNN? The careers of veteran State Department officials have been threated because they dared to speak out?

Rep. Pete Sessions – has been using his position as Rules Chairman to prevent the resolution from even receiving a vote. Why is that Mr. Sessions? Why are you seemingly working as hard as the Democrats to evade the truth? Over 160 of your own House members have signed a petition urging a vote.

“I’ve raised it to him; I’ve talked to him. It’s his decision to make, but we’re making a big mistake by not doing a select committee,” Graham told The Hill in May. “We’ve communicated a lot, but we should probably do more in light of the building momentum in the House.”

Mr. Sessions, we call upon you to do your sworn duty, we call upon you to think about the four slain Americans. We call upon you to do the right thing.


  1. …what in the world is going on here?…not that Curtis has a monopoly on anything that is correct/good….

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