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People in the News

Friday, March 14, 2025

People in the News

Friday, March 14, 2025

We want Wendy

DSC_097212004a170234Wendy Davis’ courageous stand against partisan Republican state leaders in Austin has reminded mainstream Texans everywhere what real leadership looks like.

How do we know?

For weeks now, we have received calls and emails from all over Texas asking that the Lone Star Project support Senator Wendy Davis and urge her to run for Governor of our great state.

Well, we need no encouragement at all to support Wendy Davis.

The Lone Star Project has been supporting and helping Wendy fight for Texas families since her first campaign for the State Senate in 2008.

Wendy is deciding right now whether or not she’ll make the run for Governor. If you want her in the race, let her know right away.

Go to We Want Wendy and sign our pledge page to support Wendy Davis in a campaign for Texas Governor.

We’re proud to be one of the earliest and strongest supporters of Wendy Davis. If she runs for Governor, Wendy will need more help from us than ever before.

Help us make sure we do our part to elect Wendy Davis. Your contribution of $5 dollars or more means we can keep our pledge to Wendy and help her return strong responsible leadership to Texas.

Don’t forget. Go to We Want Wendy. Let her know that Texas needs Wendy Davis as our Governor.


  1. The new TX law DOESN’T outlaw abortion. It does make LATE TERM ( AFTER FIVE MONTHS) illegal. It also requires abortion clinics( abortion is a surgery) to meet the same health and safety standards as all other out-patient surgical centers. In the bill are exceptions for rape,incest,and mothers health. So please educate yourself do not just listen to the tripe Wendy DAvis is feeding you…WE DON’T WANT WENDY

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