Saturday, May 18, 2024

Apple’s big announcement on Tuesday could include a budget friendly iPhone but likely no new iPad

apple-sign-storeBy Ruth Ferguson, NDG Editor

Apple product fans are waiting with baited breath for the news conference on Tuesday when they will unveil …. something. Samantha Murphy Kelly takes a look at 11 of the widely spread rumors in her preview on Mashable. Theories range from a “color” edition of the next iPhone (gold or graphite) to a possible fingerprint scanner on the device (not as far fetched as you might think, because Apple apparently took out a patent related to fingerprint scanning).

The more likely rumors include the chance for the first time ever Apple will introduce two iPhones, the usual expensive model with the newest bells and whistles, and a more budget friendly edition with a plastic back to help reduce the costs. This compromise comes in light of the fact Samsung leads the way using the Google Android system. Also, they want to be a bigger player in the Chinese marketplace.

While there are rumors of a possible upgrade to Apple TV, experts feel like this is only a 50-50 shot. However, the consensus is that there will not be a new iPad announced on Tuesday.

To read more details about the 11 popular theories on Tuesday’s announcement read Kelly’s roundup on Mashable.


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