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People in the News

Monday, March 17, 2025

People in the News

Monday, March 17, 2025

Cutis Report: Mr. President numbers don’t lie

obamaBy Barry Curtis

President Barack Obama has been running around the country on a campaign style whirlwind that rivals his previous 2012 campaign. He and his band of tried and true big liberal spenders have been trying to convince the American people that the economy is doing great and that Mr. Obama was the great savior of the nation’s economic prowess. Look at his rhetoric! It starts always with “we have done this” and “we have done that.” Mr. Obama might have been born humble, but it wore off. Not so fast Mr. President let’s look at the facts. The mainstream media might be giving you a pass but we studied patriots are not.

The census department released its yearly report last week on the state of income, poverty and healthcare in the country last week. This report highlighted an anemic economy and a troubling state of income for most Americans.

Patriots let’s be clear that this president continues to push the same old liberal policies of tax, spend, tax some more and spend even more. We all know the historical consequences of these policies. These actions don’t make him a good democratic leader they make him a bad history teacher

The census report found that median household income, adjusted for inflation, was $51,017 in 2012, down about 9 percent from an inflation-adjusted peak of $56,080 in 1999, mostly as a result of the longest and most damaging recession since the Depression. Most people have had no gains since the economy hit bottom in 2009 The New York Times reported.

The government has taken on a maternal role in this economic calamity stepping in with huge government spending increases. The federal government has expanded unemployment benefits in the last year keeping 1.7 million people out of the poverty level. In addition food stamps if counted as income would account for an additional 4 million people not hitting the poverty line. This accounts for the poverty level remaining the same at around 15 percent from last year’s report.

Five years after the swearing in of the nation first black president, the income gap among races is stunning. The median income for Asian households was $68,600. For non-Hispanic whites $57,000, while the Hispanic households had an income of $39,000.the most stunning part of the report is that after all of the great society programs from the 1960’s on and the massive government spending on food stamps and other educational programs blacks remain at the bottom of the median house hold income level. Blacks were at $33,300.

Mr. President this is shameful and numbers don’t lie. Here are some additional statistics to think about Mr. Obama.

1. Since Mr. Obama has taken office 7 out of 8 jobs created in this country have been part time.

2. Today 53 percent of America’s workforce makes less than $30,000 dollars a year.

3. Since Mr. Obama has been president the mortgage delinquency rate has increased from 7.85 percent to 9.72 percent today.

4. The median house hold income has fallen for the last 4 years. That’s a total of $4,000 less for each American.

5. When Mr. Obama was sworn in office the average price of gasoline was $1.85 today its $3.53 a gallon.

6. Since Mr. Obama has taken office the number of Americans on food stamps has increased 11 thousand a day.

7. When Mr. Obama took office the average length of unemployment in this country for out of work people was 19.8 weeks now its 36.6 weeks.

8. When Mr. Obama took office there were 32 million Americans on food stamps now there are 47 million.

9. Since Mr. Obama took office the percentage of Americans getting direct money from the federal government has increased 32 percent.

10. During Mr. Obama’s first term the federal government accumulated more new debt then then it did under the first 42 U S presidents combined.

You see Mr. President numbers don’t lie. You have a right to your own opinion Mr. President but you don’t have a right to your own set of facts. Numbers don’t lie, but presidents might.

You can reach Barry Curtis at


  1. Obumer thinks he is accountable to no one. The American people are slowly waking up and he will be held accountable. Keep up the reports of truth.

  2. I cannot find one person who says they voted for Obama! Who voted for this person to lead our country!? How did he get in!? Seems odd to me

  3. “The mainstream media might be giving you a pass but we studied patriots are not.”

    What a joke. At least cite your sources to give you some credibility. Where are you getting these numbers? What other variables could contribute to them? Or is the very fact that Obama is in office the end all reason for these numbers? This reads like it was written by an 8th grader for 8th graders.

  4. Here are my thoughts….I do not in any way recognize Mr. Obama or the government as a whole as as our leaders. I see them all as Especially Obama as a dictatorship. It is not nor has it ever been the governments responsibility dictate the people. Any holding of any office was intended to be “selfless service” not a “get rich” endeavor. I believe every seat as well as the President of the United States should have a maximum term limit to sitting twice. This would help so many from becoming complacent so maybe they stop serving so many special interest groups. People harp on the United States being the best country in the world. That is no longer true. It was, and very well could be again however I believe it will take the PEOPLE to fix it by not allowing our government to keep on going the way they have and “We The People” stand together to start holding the Government as a whole accountable for their actions.

  5. We are in a sad state and I really can’t see a way out! I no longer trust anyone in of and that includes both dems and rep! Think it’s time to get rid of them ALL and start over!

  6. The frustration is understandable – not sure I would agree with throwing out the baby with the bath water – but do understand!

  7. Sometimes numbers can be twisted to mean what you want them to mean as well. Both sides play that game.

  8. The President of the United States is limited to two terms.

    Some would argue members of Congress should be limited as well. Clearly there are members who have used it as a means to a lifestyle which drifts from the original reason I suspect they did not place a limitation on it earlier. If a member of Congress is truly serving the people in their district their experience and seniority can be helpful to those they serve. Plus you do not have the learning curve of understanding how things work in Washington to contend with.

    One of the unfortunate problems right now is the continual “campaigning cycle” leads to poor governance decisions.

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