(BlackNews.com) Former Playboy Playmate Neferteri Shepherd always had an eye for business. Even as a young model, she knew a bad contract when she saw one. But after being a Playboy Playmate, a fashion model and television show host, Shepherd is joining with leading financial technology firm SMART Payment Plan to launch the “Debt Reduction Tour” across the country to help consumers reduce their debt.
“These days everyone is having to deal with the bad economy and a sometimes burdening debt and I want to let people know that there are ways to get help,” said Shepherd who will participate in part of the tour as celebrity spokeswoman and by meeting consumers.
“As a mom I understand how difficult it is to manage a household in a tough economy, and how many other moms are struggling to make ends meet. So when I was asked to participate in this tour, I knew I wanted to join in and help.”
This month, SMART Payment Plan, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, is touring the country in a specially-equipped RV to educate consumers about ways they can reduce their debt and live easier lives. The RV will travel across the U.S. hitting a number of states like Texas, Utah, Colorado, Illinois and many others before concluding in November.
“We’re very excited and pleased to have Neferteri join us in this effort to help Americans reduce their debt and make their lives a little easier,” said David Engleman, CEO of SMART Payment Plan.
SMART Payment Plan’s technology simplifies the bill paying process by automatically deducting smaller bill and loan payments from a client’s bank account on a schedule that coincides with their pay schedule. By making smaller payments that match paydays, clients are able to pay off debt faster and save money by reducing the amount of interest they are charged. SMART Payment Plan works to pay down automobile loans, home loans, student loans, credit cards, boat and RV loans as well as other types of debt.
A July 2000 Playboy Playmate, fashion model, television host and actress, Shepherd has become a marketing and communications expert over the years before starting her own firm, Pro PR Marketing two years ago.
“I’ve always been a people person and idea person when it came to business. I always knew I would own a marketing company someday and when the time came, that’s exactly what I did,” said the New Orleans native.
Today, Shepherd has used her modeling and hosting experience as a tool for success in business.
“I was always inquisitive and asking questions when I was modeling. I learned a lot about advertising, marketing and how the media works,” she said.
Shepherd is known for her work with Playboy and Playboy TV as well as television work on UPN’s “Big City,” Starz Network’s “The B Side,” HGTV’s “Design In A Day” and others. Shepherd is also a member of the popular Playboy Playmate Dancers, made up of herself and fellow Playmates who don stylish costumes as they sing and dance. While she still models and serves as host on various television programs, Shepherd remains committed to her business.
“Working with companies like SMART is especially rewarding because they want to make a difference in people’s lives and make things easier,” she said.
We are very proud of our Found Neferteri Shepherd for helping American’s reduce their debt by teaming up with Smart Payment Plan for taking on this wonderful feat.
Team Single Mom Planet
Awesome article! Thank you for such a great post North Dallas Gazette, I appreciate you helping Smart Payment Plan and myself take on helping American’s reduce their debt.
Thank you,
Neferteri Shepherd