WASHINGTON – On Monday, the Republican National Committee (RNC) officially opened its African-American engagement office in North Carolina and announced its state staff and grassroots team. The team, which is the first of its kind in the state party’s history, will be responsible for building strong and lasting relationships with black communities across North Carolina.
“Developing relationships with black voters means having an active presence in their communities,” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus. “By hiring engagement staff and opening an office in Charlotte, the RNC continues its efforts to reach and engage black voters where they live, work and worship.”
“This is a historic moment for our party,” said North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP) Chairman Claude Pope. “We’ve been building a tremendous grassroots network across the state, and it is vital that we increase our base of support by making sure we’re reaching out to all voters and building strong, lasting relationships with every community.”
“The pro-family and pro-jobs agenda of the Republican Party is appealing to the African-American community, and the RNC and NCGOP are showing initiative by reaching out and sharing that positive vision for North Carolina’s future,” said Republican National Committeewoman Dr. Ada Fisher. “It’s important that all North Carolinians have a place in the political process and that all are being heard.”
The new engagement team includes Earl Phillips, Hasan Harnett and Tremone Jackson. Earl Phillips, the North Carolina African-American State Director, is a military veteran who previously served as Chairman of the National Veterans for Republicans Association and as Director of The Frederick Douglass Foundation in the Greater Charlotte Area. Hasan Harnett is an entrepreneur, speaker and published author who has been active with the National Association of Black Accountants and the Frederick Douglass Foundation’s Charlotte Chapter. Tremone Jackson has been a featured speaker at Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools and volunteers with Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Greater Charlotte.
Also in attendance were RNC National Director for African-American Initiatives Kristal Quarker-Hartsfield and civil rights activist Clarence Henderson.