Friday, July 19, 2024

DMX vs. Zimmerman – A must read blog about this foolishness

dmx vs zimmermanThe fact a man kills an unharmed teenager is now a celebrity is offensive by itself. Now, DMX who either is trying to jump start his career or he is just an idiot.

The writer at Grantland sums up the way many feel when it comes to the concept this is travesty is happening. The first sentence says it all:

“Trayvon Martin is not turning 19 today, because George Zimmerman killed him almost two years ago. Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin and he died. A jury found Zimmerman not guilty of second-degree murder. Which means the 30-year-old Zimmerman is currently a free man.

As a free man, he initially hid — and it was unclear if he was fearful for his life or ashamed to show his face. But then it became rapidly apparent that shame was not a part of the equation. If anything, stardom seemed to be a goal, as Zimmerman made his first major foray into the post-trial spotlight (besides arrests on domestic violence and felony aggravated assault charges) a side hustle as a painter. It seemed absurd even to pay attention to, but then someone bought one of his works on eBay, a painting of the state attorney involved in his case, Angela Corey. That buyer paid $100,000.

The purchase validated Zimmerman’s twisted form of celebrity. Now he wants to box. He’s agreed to do so for Celebrity Boxing, a company owned by promoter Damon Feldman. Reports followed that rapper the Game wanted to fight Zimmerman, saying, “I would not be boxing for me … I’d be boxing for the legacy of Trayvon Martin and his family.” And then more news that Zimmerman wanted to fight Kanye West.”

Read the rest of this great blog at Grantland. Did DMX bother to ask Trayvon Martin’s family to ask them how they feel about this? Do you believe anything will really be accomplished if they fight and DMX beats Zimmerman, or vice versa? Will you pay to see the fight?


  1. …truly not worthy of much commentary…however, since Dallas is frozen over and its snowing and the murder of an innocent young black man has moved from the sordid world of reality into the fabled sphere of entertainment, a couple of thoughts run across my mind…1) those entertainers do too much substance abuse to become very good fighters, and 2) maybe they have something good in mind after all, like some kind of fatal AMBUSH…anything else would be too much mental and spiritual masturbation….


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