Friday, July 19, 2024

Texas Lottery Commission: Proposed amendments would not authorize slot machines

Photo from shared with the Fort Worth Star Telegram's story from 4/13/14.
Photo from shared with the Fort Worth Star Telegram’s story from 4/13/14.

According to the Texas Lottery Commission, pull-tab bingo games do not resemble slot machines, and is not an attempt to expand gambling. The Commission released a statement to address the issues raised in the Fort Worth Star Telegram’s story “Proposal would allow slot-machine-like devices in Texas bingo halls.”


The Texas Lottery Commission’s tries to clarify:

“Pull-tab bingo games are played with paper tickets and are not played electronically. The proposed rule amendments for the April 16 Commission meeting would not authorize electronic pull-tab bingo tickets or the play of pull-tab tickets on an electronic device. The proposed amendments would allow pull-tab bingo players, at their option, to utilize video confirmation to reveal the pull-tab ticket’s outcome. Those players not wishing to utilize video confirmation may still determine if their pull-tab ticket is a winner by simply pulling the tab on the ticket.

Under the proposed amendments, all pull-tab tickets must still be constructed using paper materials and video confirmation must not be the exclusive method by which a pull-tab ticket’s outcome can be revealed. Per the proposed amendment, all video confirmation methods must be approved by the Commission. Video confirmation for event pull-tab tickets has been authorized since July of 2007. The proposed amendments would merely expand the rule to allow video-confirmation for instant pull-tab tickets.

These proposed amendments would not authorize slot machines, and they include language to prohibit any video confirmation that simulates or displays rolling or spinning wheels, dice, or the play of casino-style games, including slot machines. (NDG’s emphasis) The Commission recognizes that the authorization of slot machines and electronic gaming devices are policy decisions to be determined by the Legislature.

Bingo electronic card-minding devices were authorized by the Texas Legislature in the 1990’s and have been utilized by licensed charitable organizations conducting bingo since that time. The proposed rule amendments are consistent with previous opinions issued by the Attorney General and consistent with current legislation.”

The Fort Worth Star Telegram defended their characterization of the proposals and suggested — no clearly stated in an editorial — that the issue is too hot of one for the Commission to handle and they should leave it to the voters and legislators.

Steve Munisteri, Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, issued statement on the matter earlier stating:

“The position of the Republican Party of Texas is well established.  We are concerned that the Lottery Commission’s consideration to allow electronic gaming systems in bingo halls would have the same effect as expanding slot machine gaming across the state.  I applaud our Texas legislature for continuing to reject the expansion of electronic gaming devices.  The Lottery Commission should honor the will of the legislature and not use technicalities to expand an activity that the public and our elected representatives continue to reject.”

Right now it feels about as clear as mud if:

  • Bingo electronic card-minding devices have been used since the 1990s
  • The game is still being played on a paper instrument
  • There is no slot machine or slot-like machine being utilized




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