Friday, September 20, 2024

Transcendence opens Pandora’s Box

Transcendence2014PosterTranscendence stars Morgan Freeman and Johnny Depp in Hollywood’s latest attempt to give us a glimpse of our possible future – or maybe not. Depp is a dying futurist, attacked by anti-tech terrorist group. But he takes going viral to an entirely new level.  

Before you dismiss it as unlikely, I offer Exhibit A: Minority’s Report. I remember Steven Speilberg shared the research for making the film included talking to tech industry developers and other futurists. The sliding screens of the film are a part of our daily smartphone loving lives today. So…..

While the science of Transcendence is still in development, the cultural and political issues are very much a part of today’s headlines. As we grapple with the role of the government, access to information about each other and what to do with all of the data available – the movie’s themes will likely generate quite a bit of conversation.

Enjoy the trailer which also features includes comments from the cast. 

Do you plan to see Transcendence this weekend?

Transcendence - "What is Transcendence?" Featurette [HD]




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