AUSTIN – The College of the State Bar of Texas congratulates Gina “ Pepper” Smith on her membership in the College. Smith practices Personal Injury, Criminal Defense, and Federal Litigation in Dallas.
A graduate of Howard University, The University of Texas School of Law, and Boston University, Ms. Smith is dedicated advocate for insuring that persons are made whole, that wrongs and injustices are righted, and that the Constitutional rights of all citizens are protected.
The College of the State Bar of Texas, the only organization in the United States formed for this purpose, is an honorary society of lawyers, chartered by the Supreme Court of Texas in 1981, to recognize and encourage lawyers who maintain and enhance their professional skills and the quality of their service to the public by completing at least double the required hours of continuing legal education each year.
Smith may be contacted at 214-749-0040 or at ginasmithlaw.com.