Attorney Allan Parker of the Justice Foundation in San Antonio, Texas and the Reverend Kyev Tatum with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in Fort Worth, Texas have joined forces to launch the Black Education Summit of Texas at the State Capitol on March 23 in a joint effort to highlight the need for unlimited educational options for all of Texas School Children, especially for young black males who show no record of academic success in public schools across Texas and the nation.
“We can end the school to prison pipeline by creating unlimited educational options in Texas. The data over the last 20 years show clearly that our public school districts are unable to educate all children, especially our Young Black Males who have shown no record of academic success over the last 10 years, which mean they can not read on grade level. It’s time to shut it down. It’s time to give the Mothers the Money to Choose Where they send their kids to school,” Tatum shared.
More info at http://uspastorcouncil.org/updates/black-education-summit-texas-children/.