During the weekend of Feb. 13-15, the Rho Nu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated hosted the 2015 Texas Council of Alpha Chapters State Convention at the Renaissance Hotel in Richardson. On Saturday, Feb. 14, staff and students from the University of Texas Southwestern Physician Assistant Program conducted a health fair with much success.
Daytheon Sturges, MPAS, PA-C, Alpha Southwestern region medical officer/health and wellness chair, collaborated with the University of Texas Southwestern physician assistant students and the Department of Internal Medicine–Clinical Diabetes for the event. Students performed blood pressure exams and visual acuity testing. The diabetes nursing staff offered glucose checks and discussed available clinical trials. There was also a student representative from the LSU Health Occupational Therapy Program on hand to offer career information.
The community outreach committee – formed by UT Southwestern physician assistant students – was instrumental in the success of the health fair. The students and health fair attendees enjoyed the experience and offered positive feedback.
“The health fair was a great opportunity for the students to participate in community outreach while practicing our clinical skills,” said Katrina Jackson, PA-S (UT Southwestern Class of 2016). “Many health fair participants expressed their gratitude and asked questions about the profession. UT Southwestern encourages leadership and service, and it was great to see this mission statement in action.”
Sturges is an assistant professor and clinical coordinator for the UT Southwestern Department of Physician Assistant Studies. He is also a member of the Rho Nu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated.