Thursday, July 4, 2024

Guest Columnist: 5 Reasons TI Supports Trade Promotion Authority Reinstatement

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By Paula Collins

Congress is on the verge of introducing a bipartisan bill to reinstate Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), which allows Congress and the Administration to better collaborate on U.S. trade negotiations and implement resulting trade agreements. As a leading global semiconductor company with more than 100,000 customers worldwide, TI strongly supports TPA legislation. Here are five reasons why:

Open trade drives growth and helps TI reach our customers

Nearly 90 percent of TI’s revenue comes from overseas sales, with 61 percent of revenues from Asia and 18 percent from Europe.

Open trade is essential for TI to reach new customers emerging every day in countries around the world. It also allows our 100,000 customers reach new markets with their innovative products, creating even more growth opportunities for TI. In addition, open trade enables a robust supply chain that makes TI more competitive.

The journey of a TI chip demonstrates how important the free flow of goods and services is to American competitiveness. For example, we might design and manufacture a chip in Texas. Then, it could go to any one of our overseas AT sites for assembly/test and packaging. Next, it might travel to our product distribution center in Singapore where it is shipped to TI Korea to be sold to a Korean electronics manufacturer. The manufacturer might then sell it to any number of countries. By the time the chip reaches the end consumer in the final product, it could have traveled literally the distance around the world.

The semiconductor industry is an excellent example of success through trade

In 2013, there were over 703 billion semiconductors sold in the world, or roughly 99 per person on the planet. U.S. semiconductor companies account for about half of the $336B world semiconductor market.[i]

Semiconductors have been one of the top three U.S. manufactured exports for the last fifteen years[ii]. The elimination of tariffs on semiconductors through trade agreements, such as the Information Technology Agreement in 1996, played an important role in expanding global markets for U.S. semiconductor firms, and has benefitted consumers and workers around the globe.

As a company and an industry, we have a unique and positive story to tell about international trade.

TPA is necessary to conclude and secure a vote on new trade agreements

TPA facilitates open trade policies and new agreements to access more customers for goods and services. TPA will enable U.S. negotiators to conclude and Congress to implement new trade agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Investment Partnership (T-TIP) that address 21st century trade barriers and provide U.S. companies with greater access to key markets around the world, boosting growth and job creation.

Trade is not a zero sum game. TPP would open markets and increase trade among all the 12 countries around the Pacific Ocean that account for 40 percent of global GDP[iii] and 15 percent of global trade[iv]. The agreement benefits TI and other high-tech companies by increasing protection of intellectual property, addressing encryption and standards, and improving regulatory transparency.

Semiconductor and component exports from Texas to the five TPP countries without U.S. free trade agreements (Brunei, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Vietnam) accounted for $754M in 2013.[v]

The U.S. and the European Union represent nearly half of global GDP and 30 percent of goods trade[vi]. The T-TIP agreement will promote regulatory cooperation and protect cross-border data flows, beneficial provisions for TI and other U.S. firms.

The legislation outlines clear objectives that Congress sets for U.S. negotiators. TPA allows a completed trade agreement to receive a yes-or-no vote in Congress, with no amendments that would alter a carefully negotiated deal.

Every President since the 1930s until 2007 has had authority from Congress to negotiate trade agreements. Congress retains final authority to approve or reject trade agreements under TPA.

21st century trade barriers require new legal tools

TPA was last passed in 2002 and expired in 2007. Since that time technologies have changed significantly and the economy has become increasingly global. We need updated legislation to address emerging 21st century trade barriers such as intellectual property, technical standards, encryption, cross-border data flow, and forced technology transfer.

TPA is a bipartisan issue

In his State of the Union Address, President Obama identified passage of TPA as a top priority, and key Republican and Democratic leaders in Congress also understand its importance. TPA is something that can get done this year.

TI is actively working to secure a favorable vote on the bill, sharing our perspective with the Members of Congress who represent our sites. We are amplifying our support through trade associations, as well as traditional and social media.

TI is a member of the Trade Benefits America Coalition, and is working closely with our trade associations such as the Semiconductor Industry Association, the Information Technology Industry Council, the Business Roundtable and National Association of Manufacturers, who are all aligned in support of the bill.

At a time where agreement on many other issues is rare, TPA provides an opportunity for Democrats and Republicans to work together. It’s time for Congress to act on TPA.

Paula Collins is the Vice President of Government Affairs for Texas Instruments



  1. Global Treaties/’Arrangements’; TPP, CETA, TTIP, et al; Suing the Global Corporate Economy.
    How Many Preferred Shares of TPP, CETA, TTIP, et al, Generated Enterprises are You Selling your Right to Sue the Global Corporate Economy for? ‘New’ Shareholders Can Say ‘NO’ to & Over-Rule CETA, TTIP, et al, Plans?

    TPP, CETA, TTIP, Global Treaties; Corporate ‘USA’ & SHAREHOLDERS Secretly Using Tax Dollars to Implement SECRET Suing Machine to HAMMER Non Shareholders. Time to Re-Set ‘Game’?

    Will corp.’USA’ et al, & Feds to Prepay $Billions for All ‘Trade’ Treaty/’Arrangements’, et al, Secret (‘Death-Star-Chamber) Tribunals’ Punitive Damages to Protect Home Territory’s Taxpayers? Other Territories, Municipalities, et al, “…(we) need to control corp. USA’s ‘Contributions'”.

    Undemocratic, Higher Taxes & More Cuts to Services to Pay Secret Penalties; NON Shareholders Have to Pay corporates USA, Japan, Australia, Germany, Canada, et al, & their SHAREHOLDERS.

    But, If Not PUTIN; ‘The WHITE KNIGHT’, then Who Do YOU Want to Bankroll the Saving the harmless NON shareholders of the World from Fast Tracking TPP’s, CETA’s (TTIP) Secret ‘Death-Star-Chamber’ Tribunal Penalties?
    Will China, Iran, the Muslim World, et al, Support Putin in Suits?
    How about Li Ka Shing, Warren Buffett, et al?

    It will be good for, not only the NON shareholders of the enterprises that can be generated by the on-going global ‘cooperation’ of corporate treaties, agreements, partnerships, et al, including the Trans Pacific Partnership, the EU – Canada CETA, TTIP, the China – Canada Investment Treaty, et al,
    for the potential shareholders, as well,
    who are quite interested to know if President Xi Jinping (China) will support Russia as a co-member of B.R.I.C.S. when President Putin uses his potential role as ‘The White Knight’.

    And, while President Putin’s potential support as ‘The WHITE KNIGHT’ in the development of the TPP, et al, litigation below can dramatically off-set the hundreds of billions of dollars due to the present & future sanctions leveled by American led, et al, corporations & financial institutions via their governments’ signing their global corporate economic treaties/’arrangements’,
    and the potential for making trillions of dollars for the Russian economy over the next 30 – 40 years & beyond,
    are the citizens (SHAREHOLDERS & NON shareholders) of Germany & JAPAN just being prudent in wanting to wait for the outcome of:
    1) The Submission to The SUPREME COURT of CANADA & the highest court in Germany, et al, to make their findings regarding ‘The Submission’:
    ‘The SHAREHOLDERS & Corporations of AMERICA, CHINA, Japan, Germany, Canada, et al
    the harmless Canadian NON shareholders, both; Native & non Native, et al’?

    2) ‘The MERKEL (Chancellor of Germany) Letter; To Sue, or, Be Sued?’

    Have the federal representatives of the nations that are the potential signatories of TPP, TTIP, et al, willingly provided the NON shareholders of US, Canada, Europe, the Trans Pacific nations, et al, with the aforementioned information? Are the federal representatives, et al, depriving the NON shareholders of Canada, et al, of the due diligence information that enables the family of the NON shareholders of Canada, et al, to make informed decisions regarding their financial planning?

    And, would a reasonable person conclude by a preponderance of the evidence, &/or, beyond a reasonable doubt, that these documents, et al, demonstrate that the SHAREHOLDERS of AMERICA, CANADA , the EU & Trans Pacific nations, et al, really do not care which NON shareholders pay them the punitive penalties, etc., by way of their secret (‘Death-Star Chamber’) TRIBUNALS, as long as its not the SHAREHOLDERS who pay & not their corporations regardless of which country the corporations:
    1) operating from,
    2) maintain their headquarters,
    3) use to do their cyber banking, accounting, ‘taxation’, etc.
    4) et al?

    And, re; the CHINA – Canada Investment Treaty (C-CIT), et al, is it understandable why the ‘coveted’ Hong Kong investor & his associates are ‘concerned’ with the aforementioned findings of The SUPREME COURT of CANADA, et al, & the effects of the potential findings, et al, on the EU, AMERICA, the Trans Pacific nations, et al, treaties with CHINA, et al?

    In regard to arms sales (and other ‘contentious’ products & services & investors, repatriating profits, et al) ; how about the sale of arms (non nuclear) in general in regard to the ‘trade’ treaties that are continuing to be secretly negotiated and how will the Tribunals, both; B.R.I.C.S. & non BRICS, adjudicate, decide & penalize the NON SHAREHOLDERS for the sale of legitimate, semi- legitimate & ‘illegal’ sales of arms within the signatories nations & the those of others, &/or, unaligned? Of particular, interest is China, which does have an treaty with Canada, which puts China ‘at odds’ with other arms manufacturing & nuclear powers that it (China) does not have any ‘arrangements’ with.
    Are these types of questions that your politicians & the corporate lobbyists calls ‘forget-me-nots’ (‘Buyer Beware’) that will be (maybe) worked out after the fast tracked signatures are obtained?

    And, what do you think is the significance of the line in The Submission to The Supreme Court of Canada ‘…And, lest one forgets that the revelation of the present perilous international treaties/’arrangements’ began with the regard for the rights of Native Canadians as per the Treaties/’arrangements’ that corporate Canada & the Government of Canada have ‘foisted’ upon Native Canadians…’? What are the various ways that this line will cost the SHAREHOLDERS, et al?

    On the other hand, it may be worth repeating yet again,
    ‘What the TREATY of VERSAILLES was to the 20th century PALES in COMPARISON to the TPP, CETA, C-CIT, NAFTA, et al, in the 21st’.

    And, how will YOUR submission to YOUR highest court IMPROVE upon The Submission that is presently before The Supreme Court of Canada?

    David E.H. Smith
    – Researcher
    – ‘Qui tam…’
    Please consider sharing the enclosed information & questions with 10 members of your family, friends, associates in order that they can use the due diligence info to make more informed decision about their families’ financial planning, & then they can share it with 10 others…
    For more Information & Questions re; The Relationship between Human (Nature) Rights & Economics by way of the C-CI Treaty, the CET Agreement, TPP, et al, and The WAD Accord


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