The “TIME IS NOW“; reads the mantra of Candidate Young Sung. It is a clarion call to every Carrollton voter to come out and support the man who will make the difference in this 21st century city in moving forward and take its rightful place in the Dallas-Fort Worth region.
What will he do for all demographics of the city? He intends to elevate economic development to a fine art; whereby, all residents and employees of Carrollton will reap the benefits, in terms of more sales tax revenue, from the added economic activities of companies doing business in the city.
More sales tax revenue will stabilize residential tax base, and, for that reason alone, a lot of emphasis should be placed on economic development with smart use of available land and existing commercial and residential properties.
As Young has stated, the job of a council member requires reaching out, far and wide, to make the connection; not only with national organizations, but also, private entities outside the country who are seeking opportunities to expand their international product and service base, preferably in a vibrant local community such as Carrollton.
Candidate Young also pointed out that we are situated in a desirable location with several major highways from north to south as well as east to west. This means that delivery of goods and services will have easy access to the city.
Also, there are Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, Love Field and Addison Airports that are catalyst for convenient and first-class, people and cargo transportation options to the area. DART Green Line and its connection to the entire system, FWTA to and from Fort Worth and DCTA to and from Denton.
These options, provides commuters easy access to residential, shopping, restaurants and work in the city. The Dallas-Fort Worth area being one of the largest trucking fleets nationally gives Carrollton the benefits from easy access to goods and logistic possibilities.
Candidate Young Sung has a long history in the City of Carrollton as his mentor and former high school teacher, Mrs. Shirley Tarpley, stated in her memory of Young as a very kind and focused youth who she believed would be going places and doing something very worthwhile with his life, including serving others.
After graduation from high school Young left the city to attend undergraduate college where, after graduation he returned to seek employment in the area; and marry his high school sweetheart, Susan, and began to raise their family.
During this time he was able to complete his MBA along with advancing his career as a Real Estate Broker and Developer. His skills took him to work in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as well as a Homeland Security and a FBI Translator.
He was appointed to serve on the City of Carrollton’s Commissions and Boards as a Capital Improvements Plan Advisory Committee (CIPAC) member while also being very active in the Methodist Church as a Deacon. His children attend school in Carrollton and this is also home to his extended family as well.
Anyone being in the company of Young Sung for any amount of time will see the quality of this candidate where he can be quite jovial, humorous, kind, spiritual, focused, caring and motivated to serve his city. He is always willing to listen and strike up a conversation with anyone who is open to have a conversation with him.
His sensitivity to the needs of others makes him a great choice in a position where serving the people should be every candidate’s top priority. Young Sung clearly pointed out that; “I want to make a difference in the City of Carrollton, to take economic development to another level without changing the nature of this outer ring suburb where citizens and workers can make their way from inviting nature trails and the many parks to relaxed shopping venues and a variety of international cuisine.
Candidate Young Sung is not all business and work, as family and faith is most important to him where he finds time to juggle his duties and responsibilities at the Methodist church while ferrying his children from one venue to the next. Susan is not left out as he is very devoted to her and focuses on time necessary to show her that she is appreciated and acknowledge as the person who is his rock and chief supporter.
When asked of him, candidate Young, “What would you say is the most memorable event of your campaign thus far?” he has responded, “The overwhelming support of so many people along the way and all the unwavering words of encouragement, support and wanting to help; it is truly a touching and humbling experience.”
Young is especially thankful for all the spiritual support from a very diverse group of community residents who are confident that Carrollton has much to gain from selecting Young Sung the Candidate for Place 5 in the City of Carrollton.
He stated that God has blessed him with much, therefore, much is required, he has reason to thank everyone for their kindness and support; additionally, his wife Susan and their two children Joshua and Jessica are also very supportive in his candidacy.
He is adamant in continuing the legacy of a strong Carrollton economy, fiscal responsibility and planning with a goal of being one of a better quality of life for all citizens of Carrollton; as, “The Time Is Now.”
Pol. Adv. paid for by Young Sung Campaign 2015
Horace A. Blake MAPD. / Media Contact.
Email: dchapelton@yahoo.com Message Center: 972-242-9195.
As we usually have, my husband, Robert R. Sargent, and I have voted by mail.
We will be voting for Young sung as we did in the last election.
May we presume that we may vote by mail as we have before?
When can we expect to receive the ballets in the mail?