Friday, July 19, 2024

UPDATED: America, the Beautiful – Early Voting and Confirmation of Loretta Lynch

Loretta Lynch, Loretta E. Lynch, Eastern District of New York photosource:
Loretta E. Lynch, Eastern District of New York photosource:

Below is an updated column from Ms. Jones in light of the confirmation of Loretta Lynch as the first female Attorney General of the United States.

By La Royce Jones, NDG Special Contributor

Brothers and Sisters,

I am very grateful this morning. Today, April 27, 2015, America will make history by swearing in the first African-American woman as the United State Attorney General. Loretta Lynch was confirmed by the Senate on Friday, April 24, 2015.

I have no doubt, as with many others, that Ms. Lynch will take on the task of upholding justice for all Americans. Although, the challenges she faces are great, she will stand firm in her appointed position to ensure our hope for a better America.

I am truly grateful in knowing that we stood up with our power of democracy to demand a confirmation vote. So, I thank you all, who were encouraged enough to utilize your voice by contacting your representatives in the Senate. I also thank those of you who sacrificed gratifying your need to nourish your bodies for the sake of bringing awareness to our cause of justice on the behalf of Ms. Lynch. We all know the flesh is powerful, so my hat goes off to you for your great sacrifice.

We all know the importance of having a voice for the people in the position of the U.S. Attorney General, and for the office of president. However, as important as those positions are, and moreover, the importance of having the right representative in those positions, it is far more important that we get involved on the local level of politics. All politics are local. Recently, we’ve had an example of how important local politics are. The injustice that happened in Ferguson, Missouri has brought light to the need of having a voice in decision making positions. It took tragedy to bring about change. Now through the voices of the citizens of Ferguson, they have a more diverse city council; a city council that looks more like the people who live in the community, and can speak for the people.

Today, early voting has started for local elections. In some counties we will be voting for mayor, city council, and school board candidates. These elections affect our everyday lives, and the futures for our children. It is vitally important that we, as parents and citizens, stand up for our children, our communities, and our future. We need to know, and most certainly, we must have a voice in who makes crucial decisions for our children’s education. We need to be able to trust that our elected school board officials want the same for our children as we do. We need to ensure that our representatives will stand up for our children when

they are deciding the budget and allocating funds. It is imperative for our representatives to have every child’s best interest at heart, and to not be afraid to advocate on their behalf, when decisions are being made regarding their futures. If you are a parent, you have NO excuse for not voting in this election. The love you hold for your child should cause you to run to cast your vote.

We mustn’t forget we are America. Every community, town, city, county, state, makes up America. Every voice forms America. America needs your voice and your children need your voice. Please vote today!

La Royce Jones is a writer, poet and community activist.  


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