Thursday, July 18, 2024

Dallas Urban League pledge to fight National’s disaffiliation plans

urban league logoChairman says local group uncovered what National Urban League should have discovered years ago; calls action to close local office alarming and unethical

The Chairman of the Dallas Urban League said his organization will forcefully challenge a so-called “disaffiliation” notice sent to the local organization via email today. Terry Woods said he was alarmed, angry and insulted that the national organization is attempting to shut down a 48-year-old institution that has served hundreds of thousands of people in north central Texas.

“Here are the facts,” said Woods, who has been chairman since March 2015, “our organization uncovered what the National Urban League should have discovered years ago. When we reported the financial issues to New York, they began the ‘blame game’ and attempted to dodge their complicity in the serious issues here. We did a lot more than point fingers; we changed the leadership earlier this year including the CEO and the CFO, and we replaced board members as well as numerous staff.”

Woods said the organization has been restructured, and despite requests, that has been done without assistance from the national organization.

“I truly believe this action is irresponsible, disrespectful and violates their own rules of order and regulations,” said Woods. “Just think, it’s been done with no hearing, no review of the critical changes we have made. This group is supposed to be about empowerment and rights. They don’t follow their own rules and then send us notification about this ‘decision’ via email. Our founders must be shuddering in their graves.”

The Dallas Urban League was founded in 1967 by an elite and diverse group of local leaders. It provides emergency assistance, programs in health, housing, education (adult and youth), training, employment including computer technology and specialized services to re-entry populations, seniors and youth throughout Dallas County.

“This move, which frankly seems like a power grab, is an insult to all of Dallas and it could be extraordinarily harmful to the people we serve,” said Woods. “Why would national choose this arbitrary and injurious course of action when they should be focused on the dangerous rhetoric of someone like Donald Trump or the painful and serious issues raised by Sandra Bland’s death or the follow up needed after the shootings in South Carolina? Why?”

Woods said serious financial and accounting issues that were uncovered last year are still being investigated. He suggested that law enforcement may be asked to assist.

“We are on the right path; we are righting the ship.” said Woods.  “And now, their decision proves they didn’t want to be part of the solution. It belies every principle of the organization.”



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