People in the News

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

People in the News

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Founders of Beloved Life is Good® Brand Reveal Power of Optimism in ‘LIFE IS GOOD: The Book’

LIG_DJ_REL4_SPOT.inddWASHINGTON —For over two decades, the much-loved Life is Good® brand has brought smiles, hope and help to millions. Over the course of their business career, founders and brothers Bert and John Jacobs have learned that optimism isn’t a marketing tactic — it’s the force that drove them to overcome tremendous obstacles and build a $100 million clothing company with just $78 and a used minivan. LIFE IS GOOD: The Book: How to Live with Purpose and Enjoy the Ride (National Geographic Books; ISBN 978-1-4262-1563-6; Sept. 1, 2015; $25 hardcover) is the story of the Jacobs brothers’ journey and the secrets to their success.

Beginning with their tough upbringing in working-class Boston, LIFE IS GOOD: The Book charts the trajectory of their lives and the company they built. A key influence was their mother, Joan, who could always be counted on to put a humorous and positive spin on everything. “I like running out of money,” she would say. “Then I don’t have to worry about what I need to buy.” This undaunted optimism became the driving force of the Life is Good brand.

As they note in their introduction to the book, studies have demonstrated a strong link between optimism and increased mental and physical health, greater resilience in the face of stress and adversity, and a higher overall quality of life. “Optimism is a powerful and pragmatic strategy for accomplishing goals and living a fulfilling life. By acknowledging obstacles and opportunities — but focusing on the opportunities — optimism enables us to explore the world with open arms and an eye toward solutions, progress and growth. It also makes life a hell of a lot more fun,” they write.

LIFE IS GOOD: The Book offers lighthearted, practical self-help that will inspire and empower readers to embrace life with delight and daring. Bert and John use their experiences to illuminate the 10 Life is Good superpowers that drive optimism:

  • Openness is transformative, allowing us to discover new ways of being and acting by withholding judgments and preconceptions.
  • Courage is our inner resolve to try new things.
  • Simplicity sheds unnecessary complications and distractions.
  • Humor is a universal connector.
  • Gratitude is the practice of taking stock of the many things that are good, right and working in our lives.
  • Compassion is an act of connecting and sharing in the hard stuff, helping ease the pain, heal the hurt and right the wrongs.
  • Fun is the irresistible spark that connects and inspires us to feel truly united and alive.
  • Creativity enables us to reach beyond conventional thinking to make things better.
  • Authenticity is knowing who you are and acting like it.
  • Love is the most powerful force in the world.