People in the News

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

People in the News

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Author explores true meaning of unconditional love in a digital age

LOVEauthorinsetBy: Jackie Hardy, NDG Contributing Writer

Love: The Greatest Gift, is a book written by leading author and consultant Jacqueline Camphor. In her newly released book, Camphor writes about the principles and power of unconditional love and the challenges to love unconditionally in a digital age and social media driven culture.

“With a culture that banks on legal systems as an alternative option for finding love and marriage elsewhere should love prove not to meet certain conditions, Love: The Greatest Gift dispels the lies that have been told about conditional loving and encourages a biblical view of forever love,” she adds in a written response to North Dallas Gazette.

The over encompassing message Camphor hopes readers will walk away with after reading her book is coming to understand God’s design for living a life of unconditional love.

“I hope readers will gain a deeper understanding of what love truly is and fearlessly live it out in their personal lives. I hope they will gain forgiveness and healing from any past relationship hurts and be free to give and receive love at its highest capacity, she explains.

Camphor shares her personal journey to fully coming to accept and practice unconditional love.

“I had felt God leading me to be a catalyst of change for healthy, loving relationships several years ago, but didn’t know at the time what the channel of communication would be for such a platform,” she adds.

Camphor’s journey has been like many where she, an accomplished business owner and respected community-service leader, felt empty in spite of all of her personal and professional accomplishments.

She explains, “I had reached a point in my life where I had given so much of my love away that I had neglected to save some for me. It was at that moment that I began seeking God intently for answers as to why I felt so empty and broken and how to keep pushing forward.”

“In 2014, after many years of dating and learning about what love isn’t, God was preparing me to write a book on what love is…

Camphor now has two books under her belt as she also served as one of the co-authors of a book by Nikki Woods, senior producer of the Tom Joyner Morning Show, entitled, “Shift: Twenty Women Share Stories of Strength, Courage and Succeeding Against the Odds” which is available on Amazon.

With the recent current events involving racial tension among several American cities, Camphor feels her book on unconditional love is apropos and believes it can serve as a message of hope and possible a catalyst for change.

“Those who hurt others ironically need love the most because they have learned to operate in what love is not…’Love: The Greatest Gift’ not only shines light on loving thy neighbor and enemies, but teaches responsibly how to love those who are not so loveable,” advises Camphor.

According to the author, readers will learn specific principles on what it means to practice and accept unconditional love. Some of those principles entail understanding love is not contingent on how someone treats you or loves you back and recognizing unconditional love is not conditional on being perfect, but learning to see the beauty in those flaws.

Camphor hopes her book will set readers on a path to experience love the way she feels God intended it to be from the very start.

“Love starts with the Creator and then a healthy love of self. Only when you have come to know and understand those two loves can you truly love others the way God intended, unconditionally for a lifetime.”

Camphor believes it is through the transparent stories she writes about in her book that readers will begin to experience as she states, “Great love that never fails.

On September 26, Camphor will be in the Dallas-area to host a book launch event. The book launch will be from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm at The People’s Last Stand at Mockingbird Station, located at 5319 E Mockingbird Lane, Suite 210.

Paperback copies are available for purchase on Amazon and an electronic version can be purchased through Kindle. An autographed copy of the book, can also be purchased from her website

For more information about upcoming book touring dates or for other book promotional engagements , visit her website or Facebook page or email