Alley’s House’s fourth annual luncheon is Oct. 8 from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm at House of Blues Dallas. The conversation features Rinku Sen with Facing Race, Diane Hosey with Embrey Family Foundation, and Dallas County Judge Clay L. Jenkins. Anna de Haro of IHeartRadio will return as event emcee, Dallas County Commissioner Dr. Theresa Daniel will be the panel moderator, and Myiesha Taylor, MD is our Honorary Chair. Tickets ($150) and tables ($1,200) are available for purchase at www.alleyshouse.org or by calling 214-824-8700.
Alley’s House Luncheon focuses on issues facing teen moms. In 2013, Senator Wendy Davis spoke as a former teen mother. In 2014, Barbara P. Bush, CEO of Global Health Corps, spoke about global health issues facing women. This year a panel of passionate advocates will facilitate a rich discussion on the intersectionality of race and poverty and its impact on women and children.
We’re pleased to announce that our Crusader Award winner is Austin College who has partnered with Alley’s House to provide program evaluation, measurement tools, and ongoing statistical trend analysis. Dr. Sheila Piñeres, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty, said “Austin College has a long history of community service and is proud to support the work of Alley’s House thanks to Dr. Ian MacFarlane, assistant professor of psychology, with the involvement of two undergraduates, Grace Anderson and Amberlee Partridge. It has been a wonderful partnership, providing undergraduate research and hands-on-learning for our students and supporting an important effort in mental health and parenting.”